Church Executive, November 2012, Volume 11, Issue 11

CE Interview: Fred Luter JR., Senior Pastor, Franklin Avenue Baptist Church, New Orleans, LA
As Hurricane Isaac blew through New Orleans in late August, Fred Luter, 56, could be excused if he felt like “here we go again.” Hurricane Katrina, seven years earlier, destroyed his church and scattered the membership across the country.
By Ronald E. Keener

How to reach and lead the millennials
The millennials – those born after 1980 – constitute the new mega generation.
By Rez Gopez-Sindac

Recognize and stop bullies in church
Bullies can destroy a church by their determination to get their way or sway people to their side.
By Eddie Hammett

Online, on-site, in hand
By offering multiple giving options, churches take the hassle out of giving and pave the way for members to exercise greater generosity.
By Rez Gopez-Sindac

How to market to your online community
Enhance your church website with e-commerce functionality and mobile optimization.
By Kelly Meeneghan

Why churches need financial controls
Trust, but verify when staff and volunteers handle funds.
By Vonna Laue

Ron Keener

Speaking Volumes

Legal Advice


Reverb hurts a worshipful experience
Hard walls leave a church with a troublesome room for performance audio.
By Bobbie Bennett


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