Regent University’s Pastoral Leadership Institute — Featuring Bishop T.D. Jakes

Continuing education options

Julianne Cenac, Assistant VP for Professional & Continuing Education, Regent University
Julianne Cenac, Assistant VP for Professional & Continuing Education, Regent University

Q: One of the session topics within the “Leadership and the Business of Church Administration” tract is “Leadership v. Management.” What are the key differences between church leadership and church management?

Cenac: Leadership involves casting a vision for the church and ministry leaders to follow in fulfilling the Great Commission. This might include design of various church ministries needed to fulfill the church’s mission or developing and building ministry leaders to lead those ministries.

Management deals more with the internal administration and operation of the church to accomplish that vision or the church’s goals — for example, managing vendor or supplier contracts and relationships.

On your website, it looks like this institute runs from 6/30 to 9/8. Will it be repeated?

Cenac: Yes; we will run another Pastoral Leadership Institute in October 2014.

The website says the program was “initially customized for the Potters House International Pastors Association (PHIPA) network.” Explain.

Cenac: The program was designed for the PHIPA network of pastors as a result of the partnership Regent University has with T.D. Jakes Enterprises. We’re the training and education provider behind the T.D. Jakes School of Leadership. Regent University Professional and Continuing Education previously ran five different leadership institutes, including this one for pastors. We customized the institutes for the T.D. Jakes audience. This is one of the more in-demand program offerings.

Domingo Gonzalez — a former church administrator — is the instructor of the “Leadership and the Business of Church Administration” tract.
Domingo Gonzalez — a former church administrator — is the instructor of the “Leadership and the Business of Church Administration” tract.

Q: One of the session topics in Regent University’s Pastoral Leadership Institute — Featuring Bishop T.D. Jakes — is “Current Topics in Church Administration.” Please identify a few of these current topics and why they’re so timely and relevant.

Gonzales: The church is the living body of Jesus Christ. It has to have functional parts, as with any organization. We must understand that an organization is a complex group of people who function as an organism that is constantly evolving.

The church administration must put processes in place to assist with the growth cycle. The following are just a few topics that must be evaluated yearly:

Insurance needs. Most churches are underinsured on their church properties because of not completing an annual review of their policies and updating their property inventory and ministry needs.

Facilities / plant properties. Most churches are reactive to equipment failure instead of being proactive. It is cheaper to have a preventive (proactive) maintenance agreement to extend the lifecycle of your property. The lack of a capital reserve account will destroy a budget.

HR / job descriptions. Churches need to place a greater importance on job descriptions. Good job descriptions result in good ministry when everyone knows what is expected and who is responsible.

Updating and reviewing annually will head off poor performance and mismatched job skills.

Retirement planning. Churches need to have a retirement strategy for the shepherd (pastor) and paid staff. Life insurance should be a part of the compensation plan for the pastor. Church leadership should ask themselves, How long will our pastor’s family survive without the pastor’s salary?

These are just some of the areas that are very timely and relevant today.

For more information about the Institute, visit.


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