3 Ways to Use Easter Engagement to Grow Your Church

As Easter quickly approaches, churches everywhere are gearing up to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and welcome individuals and families into their congregations.
However, beyond the traditional Easter services, there lies a wealth of opportunities for churches to extend their reach, connect with new audiences, and foster meaningful relationships within their communities.

Let’s explore three engagement strategies that your church can implement to not only attract individuals to your Easter services and events but also create lasting connections that extend far beyond the Easter Sunday celebration. We’ll also see how Subsplash Event Management can streamline the process of organizing and promoting Easter events for pastors and their teams.

1. Community Events & Outreach Programs

Organizing special Easter community events such as egg hunts, family fun days, or charity drives can attract people from the surrounding neighborhoods to visit your church. These events provide an opportunity for your church to connect with new individuals and families, build relationships, and demonstrate care and support for the community.

Increase the effectiveness of your events and outreach efforts this year by enlisting powerful engagement tools that are specifically designed for church events.

Promoting Community Events: Subsplash offers church event tools to make it easy to create dedicated event pages on your church website and mobile app that promote community events such as Easter egg hunts or potlucks. You can include important event details, schedules, and contact information to encourage participation, so everyone can sign up and participate.

Registration & Communication: Subsplash also helps you track registrations for your events, set limits on the number of attendees if needed, collect specific information (such as special needs or food allergies), and communicate important updates and reminders to registered guests and your volunteers via text message, email, and push notification. This helps ensure a smooth and organized experience for both attendees and event organizers.

Non-Charitable Event Payments: Churches often need to charge a fee to help cover event costs or the price of merchandise like textbooks, supplies, or clothing. However, some of these costs are not tax-exempt. Fortunately, Subsplash Giving allows your guests to pay for non-charitable payments and purchases with the same account they use to give their regular tithes and offerings. First-time donors can also make a donation or payment as a guest without having to sign up for a giving account.

Related Reading: 50 exciting & effective church outreach ideas

2. Invitational Campaigns

Launching an invitational campaign leading up to Easter encourages your church members to invite friends, family, and acquaintances to attend your Easter services and events. This can be done through personalized invitations, social media outreach, or printed invitation cards distributed by the congregation. Offering incentives such as special gifts or prizes for those who bring guests can further motivate church members to invite others to participate in Easter activities.

Personalized Invitations: Download your free 2024 Easter Media Kit to create personalized invitations that your members can share with friends, family, and acquaintances on social media, printed flyers, or invitation cards.

Incentives & Promotions: Encouraging church members to share Easter-related content on their personal social media profiles can amplify your church’s message and attract new visitors to Easter services. Consider offering special incentives or gifts for those who bring the most guests, such as church swag or gift cards to your church’s café. This is a fun way to get church members to actively participate in invitational campaigns.

3. Online Outreach & Engagement

Leveraging digital platforms and social media channels can extend the reach of your church’s Easter message beyond its physical location. Create engaging content related to your Easter theme, share testimonies, or host live-streamed services to connect with individuals who may not be able to attend in person.

Digital Promotion: With Subsplash Event Management, executive pastors can create compelling digital content related to Easter themes and share it across your website, mobile apps, and social media channels. You can leverage features like event registration links and call-to-action buttons to encourage online engagement and participation.

Live-streamed Services: For those unable to attend in person, your church can use Subsplash to facilitate live-streamed Easter services and make them accessible to a wider audience. Have meaningful conversations by using the live chat feature to engage your online guests. Your live streams are also automatically added to your media library so everyone can watch it anytime at their convenience.

Related Reading: 2024 Easter hybrid service playbook

Make This Easter the Best One Yet

We hope this information provides you with ideas and tools to effectively promote, organize, and manage this year’s Easter events and outreach activities. By implementing these ideas, you can boost engagement, build excitement, and increase attendance.

Over 17,000 churches and organizations partner with Subsplash to enhance their church’s engagement with the community and facilitate meaningful connections with both existing and potential attendees.

To learn more about Subsplash and experience these tools for yourself, schedule a free demonstration today!


One Response to “3 Ways to Use Easter Engagement to Grow Your Church”

  1. As Easter approaches, churches have the opportunity to not only celebrate the resurrection of Jesus but also to expand their reach and deepen connections within their communities. Here are three impactful strategies to enhance Easter engagement and foster lasting relationships:

    Community Events & Outreach Programs: Organizing special Easter events such as egg hunts or charity drives can attract new individuals and families to your church. Utilize powerful engagement tools like Subsplash Event Management to promote events, manage registrations, and communicate effectively with attendees.
    Invitational Campaigns: Launching an invitational campaign encourages church members to invite others to Easter services. Provide personalized invitations and incentives for guests, and leverage social media to amplify your message.
    Online Outreach & Engagement: Extend the reach of your Easter message through digital platforms and live-streamed services. With Subsplash, you can create compelling content, host live streams, and facilitate meaningful interactions with online attendees.
    By implementing these strategies, you can enhance Easter engagement, build excitement, and foster meaningful connections within your community. Discover how Subsplash can support your church’s growth by scheduling a free demonstration today!

    Let’s make this Easter the best one yet.

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