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IRS receives complaint against Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

By Michael Gryboski , Christian Post Reporter A secular group has filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service against the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, alleging that their activity during the election season violates their tax exempt status. Read more at

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Churches of Staten Island outshine federal relief efforts

NEW YORK /Christian Newswire – Evangelical congregations on storm-damaged Staten Island are outshining federal agencies in the arduous task of helping residents recover from the devastating effects of super storm Sandy. Almost immediately after the weather abated, Staten Island evangelical clergy organized and began deploying aid. The same response from federal agencies took days and […]

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IRS Hasn’t Stopped Auditing Churches, ADF Warns

Alliance Defending Freedom’s senior counsel Erik Stanley posted a blog on The Christian Post website asking the question, “Has the IRS given up on auditing churches?” The question stems from a recent remark by an IRS official that, despite the complaints received about churches violating the tax code during this election season, the IRS was […]

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The ‘nones’ say 2012 election proves they are a political force

By Kimberly Winston (RNS) Last month, Lauren Anderson Youngblood, communications manager for the Secular Coalition for America, approached Broderick Johnson, a senior adviser to the Obama campaign, as they both left a conference on religion and the election. The SCA is an umbrella group representing 11 nontheistic organizations. So who, Youngblood asked Johnson, could she […]

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NAACP criticizes Franklin Graham

By Bob Allen A group of African-American leaders in North Carolina has called out evangelist Franklin Graham a second time for attempting to raise doubts about whether President Obama is a Christian. A seven-page, 2,500-word letter on the NAACP of North Carolina website accused the CEO of the Charlotte-based Billy Graham Evangelical Association of using […]

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Most preachers say no to endorsing candidates

By Carol Pipes Nearly 90 percent of pastors believe they should not endorse candidates for public office from the pulpit, according to a recent survey by LifeWay Research. The survey also revealed that 44 percent of pastors personally endorsed candidates, but did so outside of their church role. The survey of 1,000 Protestant pastors found […]

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Evangelism leaders gather in Denver for ‘Make Love Your Aim’

DENVER/Christian Newswire – More than 300 evangelism leaders gathered in Denver this week for “Denver 2012: Make Love Your Aim.” The event opened Monday with a prayer gathering focused around the “Cape Town Confession” – ten “We believe” statements from the Cape Town Commitment, which resulted from Cape Town 2010, The Third Lausanne Congress on […]

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Study: Obedience not easy decision for believers

By Russ Rankin NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Making personal, sacrificial decisions in order to better obey Christ is a key attribute to an individual’s spiritual growth, according to a survey of American churchgoers by LifeWay Research. Yet, the study also found less than one-third of churchgoers strongly agree they are following through in specific aspects of […]

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New York churches keep meeting in schools

A 17-year battle over the right for New York City churches to rent and use public school buildings for weekend worship services appears to have come to a close – at least for the time being. U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska issued a permanent injunction on June 29 against the New York Department of Education, […]

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After Romney meeting, Billy Graham website scrubs Mormon ‘cult’ reference

(RNS) The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association removed language labeling Mormonism a “cult” from its website after the famed preacher met with Republican nominee Mitt Romney last week and pledged to help his presidential campaign. The removal came after a gay rights group reported that the “cult” reference remained online even after Graham all but endorsed […]

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