CE Interview Archives - Church Executive


  Church Executive talks with CH (MAJ) Walter McCall about Army Reserve Chaplain Candidacy — a great option for seminary students, ministry professionals, and even bachelor’s degree holders with a calling Church Executive: The option of becoming a Reserve Chaplain Candidate was new to me. Among the Army Reserve Chaplain Candidates you’ve worked with before, […]

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Could Part-Time U.S. Army Reserve Chaplaincy be a fit for you?

  Church Executive talks with CH (MAJ) Walter McCall — Senior Chaplain, U.S. Army Chaplain Recruiting South-Central Station — about who’s right for this role, what is means to commission as an Officer from the get-go, citizenship requirements for Reserve chaplaincy, and even the possibility of age waivers based on ministry experience. CE: Let’s start […]

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Church Facilities Conference & Expo (CFX) 2023

  Church Executive: How did CFX Expo get its start? Jim Wagner: Our company has produced events, educational series, and media products for churches for the last 15 years. The needs of the churches are so different than they were 15 years ago, or even 10 years ago. We felt it was important to create […]

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Leading during disruption: 2020

No one was — or could have been — prepared for what was coming with COVID-19. But, for better or worse, there’s no substitute for experience. In this spirit, we asked several church executives who have graced our cover in the past few years to reflect on leading during disruption. How have they and their […]

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Focus on: hand hygiene

For a truly safe church reopening, a touchless restroom experience is key How have you seen the coronavirus pandemic affecting churches, especially in regards to reopening concerns? William (Bill) Gagnon: Churches depend on maintaining a safe environment for their parishioners to gather and worship together as a community. As part of a safe environment, providing […]

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Leadership development options for busy church leaders

Which skills are most in-demand today — and how can you make this training work for you?   Among busy pastors, which areas of leadership and management training have seen the most demand in the past few years — and why? Gene C. Fant: First, we’ve seen increased interest in leadership in a digital media […]

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Lower your healthcare & benefits costs. Find out how — Q&A and Webinar!

View this insightful webinar — “Bring the Benefit Back to Your Employee Benefits Program” — now at:  www.churchexecutive.com/webinars  By Skylar Griego Like any employer (faith-based or not), it’s important for a church to provide a benefits program for full-time staff. This can be a struggle for a small church when program rates commonly increase 10 to 20 […]

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Top 15 Articles of 2018

By Skylar Griego As we adjust to writing “2019” in our planners, now is a good time to reflect on 2018 and see the big picture. At Church Executive, that means taking a look at which articles were most important to our readers. When we looked at the 15 most-read articles, the editors noticed there […]

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Leadership training options for pastors

Reporting by RaeAnn Slaybaugh   In general, have full-time church leaders shown increased interest in leadership and management training? Bo Rice: With the world changing as fast as it is, solid leadership skills are often what keep the ship right. So, yes, I’ve seen significant increased interest in leadership and management training in the past […]

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Disaster prevention & recovery best practices

Reporting by RaeAnn Slaybaugh   From an insurer’s perspective, how often do you find that churches are truly, adequately prepared in the realm of disaster prevention & recovery? Kyle Illbeck: Churches typically focus their resources on furthering their ministry and mission, and disaster preparedness becomes an afterthought until it’s too late. Unfortunately, it’s rare for […]

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