CE Interview Archives - Page 8 of 9 - Church Executive

The CE Interview: Miles McPherson

It’s something of an irony that Miles McPherson some three decades ago wasn’t much the “marrying kind,” but today can say, as he did in a recent blog, “I am for traditional marriage as God designed it, because it is the model that honors His original and eternal intent.”

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The CE Interview: Erwin W. Lutzer

The Moody Church and its founder in 1864, Dwight L. Moody, are as recognizable in Christian life and work as any church in the country. In a long line of outstanding preachers, Erwin W. Lutzer marks 30 years in that pastorate this fall, with only a thought of retirement any time soon as he turns 67 next month.

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The CE Interview: Dave Browning

Talk with Dave Browning and you’ll soon pick up on how he peppers the conversation with “our story” and “this story.” The unique congregation that is Christ the King Community Church is indeed a story, and he’s written a book, Deliberate Simplicity, that explains the philosophy of his multi-state, multi-country church.

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The CE Interview: Mike Klockenbrink

When Mike Klockenbrink’s company transferred him to Northern California, he and his wife began visiting Lakeside Church in Folsom, CA. It was their second visit there that he told his wife that God wants them there for some reason.

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The CE Interview: Robert Jeffress

There is a buzz of activity in the air of downtown Dallas, and Robert Jeffress and First Baptist Church of Dallas will add to that buzz when the church begins to recreate its campus this fall. “We’re experiencing reinvigoration of the downtown area,” says Jeffress. “Ten years ago 300 people lived downtown, today 6,000 people live in the downtown freeway loop and it is growing every day.

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The CE Interview: Pete Briscoe

Born in England, Pete Briscoe saw ministry for his first eight years with his parents, Stuart and Jill Briscoe, as they worked with the Torchbearers group in northern England. Torchbearers, founded by Major Ian Thomas, “is all about teaching people that life is found in Christ and not in themselves,” Briscoe says.

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The CE Interview: Adam Hamilton

As the teenage son of parents who were Roman Catholic and Church of Christ, Adam Hamilton is not the stereotype one would imagine of a megachurch pastor. Attending an Assembly of God church as a teen and graduating from Oral Roberts University did not enhance the image. After attending Perkins Seminary he was serving as a youth pastor in a United Methodist church.

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Bill Tucker, Concordia Lutheran Church, San Antonio, TX

It’s not that Bill Tucker leads Concordia Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX, like a football quarterback or a naval officer — and he’s been both — but he’s gained many leadership qualities that he finds transferable to pastoring a 6,000-member congregation, for the past eight years.

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Erwin McManus, Senior Pastor, Mosaic Church, Los Angeles, CA

Erwin McManus calls himself a cultural architect. His college major was philosophy, and he spent most of his early, secular career as a futurist working with companies and organizations — and still does as he pastors Mosaic Church in East Los Angeles.

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Mark Driscoll, Senior Pastor, Mars Hill Church, Seattle, WA

Seattle is among the least churched cities in America.

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