Church Growth Archives - Page 49 of 52 - Church Executive

Chronologically incorrect: a new approach to engaging first-time givers

I recently conducted a small Facebook test. Survey participants were asked to answer three questions about giving. Here’s what I found:
• 96% of people consider themselves to be generous
• 80% of those same people want to be more generous than they currently are
• 92% feel held back by a lack of money
These findings represent a strange tension between who we are, who we want to be, and our perceived lack that stands in the way.

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Ring in the New Year and answer to a HIGHER CALLING

A Master of Divinity or Master of Arts in Christian Studies degree from Grand Canyon University prepares students to lead in local churches and Christian organizations.

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Seminary training is more important — and obtainable — than ever

Seminary is not about answering every question a church leader might encounter; it is about developing a holistic biblical worldview and obtaining the right tools to understand those questions and discern the answers. It is about being prepared to apply biblical truth in a variety of social and cultural contexts. It is about speaking the truth of the gospel with humility and grace.

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So you want to be a great boss? 4 tips

Here are 4 keys to being the best boss you can be. These keys apply to parents and coaches, as well.

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How not to be a leadership fad

In the church, what works to grow a church today may not work in the future. You can be a popular leader, only to lose that popularity more quickly than Vanilla Ice dropped out of the mainstream.

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Nun is named first female head of Catholic Charities USA

A nun has been chosen as the next president of Catholic Charities USA, the first time that a woman will head the church’s main charitable arm in its 105-year history. Sister Donna Markham, a highly regarded Dominican who specializes in clinical psychology, will take over in June from the Rev. Larry Snyder, who has headed the Alexandria, Va.-based Catholic Charities for the past decade.

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5 New Year’s resolutions for church leaders

These are just five resolutions, and they may not be the right five for you, but they have worked for me. I find that I need to continually renew the resolutions from the past years, as some are just too important to forget.

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January 27 special event in Texas aims to teach church leaders how to engage worshipers with hearing loss

Did you know that one in five people in your congregation can’t hear the inspiring words and music that are shared each week in your house of worship? Ultimately, this leaves them feeling disconnected from the community. Many of these congregants have hearing aids — but hearing aids are made to work in up-close, face-to-face conversations; often, they don’t work in large spaces with ambient noise. Fortunately, assistive listening systems can help these congregants feel more connected by solving issues of distance, ambient noise and hearing loss.To help get you started in your church, Listen Technologies is hosting a special event on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

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Board duty is serious business!

People of faith are frequently mission-driven and ministerially oriented. For many of these, volunteering is often considered more privilege than obligation. When such folks have managerial or leadership experience, or when they possess special expertise or have received professional education and training, it is not uncommon that they volunteer to serve the Church via board membership and activity. It is critically important to recognize, however, that even highly educated, skilled and experienced people do not necessarily understand what board service entails and requires of them.

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Your church is larger than you think

In order to understand the true size of your church, you must take into account membership and attendance frequency along with the average weekly attendance.

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