Church bodies exposed

There’s the old saw that denominations exist today only because of real estate and pension plans. I heard that said 15 years ago and sure, it’s an overstatement, but it makes a relevant point.
Read More >There’s the old saw that denominations exist today only because of real estate and pension plans. I heard that said 15 years ago and sure, it’s an overstatement, but it makes a relevant point.
Read More >When 120 executive pastors and pastors met in February for David Fletcher’s 2010 XP-Seminar — more than half present there for the first time — the topic of the hour was the national economy and the hits that churches have taken in their budgets, building plans and outreach.
Read More >Howard Beale in Network might just as well have been yelling about the fraud and embezzlement that is epidemic in the church, but who’s listening?
Read More >After my father died 20 years ago, I went to my parents’ safe deposit box at the local bank to see what might be there for mother’s financial support. For 40 years and one month of his work life he helped make Hershey milk chocolate and saved what he could.
Read More >I was graduated from college in the early 1960s and immediately got a job in community newspaper journalism, never thinking that maybe some larger cause might require my presence and passions. But I wasn’t an activist, not even for racial justice that was then still being played out in Southern cities at drug store counters and far worse situations.
Read More >How did you spend your Memorial Day weekend? With family and friends I trust, or cleaning the garage? I devoted a number of hours to making sense of my den that doubles as a library — 40 running feet of books, most of them church and management titles collected over 15 years.
Read More >Denim and church are two words that now go together — the denim church. Where is our pride in serving our Lord? Isn’t dressing better a way of honoring Him?
Read More >My wife and I were in church services the other week and the pastor was into a spellbinding message about spiritual warfare. Just at the time when the congregation is doing great missions work, breaking ground for a building program, reaching many more families in the community — Satan would be stalking the church trying to bring it down, he said.
Read More >In commuting the 30 miles to and from the office I probably pass 30 congregations, each of them laboring in the vineyards in their individual ways. Most of them are small, landlocked churches and likely neither purpose-driven nor prevailing.
Read More >JESUS. PRESIDENT? Embodying the change we seek in our culture. By Ronald E. Keener Pastors and politicians don’t often mix well. The current election season has shown that — writ large. John Hagee said he’d never endorse another candidate when an initial endorsement of John McCain went awry. Rick Warren said he doesn’t believe pastors […]
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