Human Resources Archives - Page 25 of 28 - Church Executive

6 values to the perfect hire!

One of the key aspects of my job is making great hires. I look at our staff of 120-plus employees and I thank God every day for the stories behind the people.
While a lot of elements go into hiring, I have found 6 overarching values that drive hiring.

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Retirement plan investment choices — less really “is” more

In today’s increasingly tech-savvy environment — in which so many people own smartphones and tablets and maintain a social media presence — there is a tendency to think that a smorgasbord of choices is desirable. This is not the case when it comes to the fund choices your church offers its employees in their 401(k) and 403(b) retirement plans.

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Safety Strategies: The vast frontier — and associated risks

In a smaller, more technological world, we can’t afford to underestimate proactive, collaborative safety and risk management strategies. The Ebola crisis has all of us thinking differently, for the time being. Unfortunately, our sensitizing is hard to sustain with so much information hitting our radar screens.

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Never Again: The Little Things Really Do Count

When it comes to risk management, a few extra steps — literally — can prevent a tragedy.

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A step-by-step church staff review guide

Staff reviews are thought by some to be intrinsically miserable and somewhat useless. They really don’t have to be. They can actually be a time staff looks forward to.

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Make “cents” of compensation

By Jim Cook, CFP® I recently had a conversation with the new administrator of a large, multi-site congregation regarding review of the pay structure for the staff. She was shocked by the seemingly random salaries for many staff, noting that many — with similar levels of responsibility, background and credentials — had widely divergent salaries. […]

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WEB-EXCLUSIVE: 3 reasons to hire for potential over experience

In a recent study performed by professors at Stanford University and Harvard Business School

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Negotiating pastor salary

For pastors, discussing compensation is a necessary — but often stressful — conversation.

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Dealing with a sex offender

By Eric Spacek, JD, ARM If you believe a sex offender has started attending your church, take action. Not doing so could result in significant legal liability if a situation occurs on your property. Step 1: Learn the local laws. First, be certain that the individual is a convicted sex offender. Double-check that the person […]

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Can I Google applicants?

Social media has become the major form of communication for a large portion of the population. An even larger percent of people are “dabbling” in it.

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