Outreach Archives - Page 39 of 40 - Church Executive

Churches share nation’s concern for needed immigration reform

Churches are as engaged in the issue of immigration in this country as are other groups, many doing quiet, steady work and providing dialog and attempting resolution that goes well beyond the public clamor that adds little to a real solution.

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The power of perception: Creating a brand called ‘Joel’

I’ll never forget the phone call I received from Joel Osteen to let me know his father — long time Houston pastor John Osteen — had passed away. It was January 1999, not a great way to start a new year. John Osteen birthed Lakewood Church on Mother’s Day 1959 in the most humble possible way — a rural feed store outside of Houston.

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Putting ‘a church you can believe in’ on the lips of Dallas

Step back and think about branding a church that still worships in a building built in 1891 (that’s not a transposition of numerals either) and in the center of that sanctuary stands a pulpit 118 years old. Then add the geographic context of being located in a city that is home to so many great churches.

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Church ministry shouldn’t end at the property line

While traditional interaction occurs face-to-face, a growing percentage of church-goers connect through another medium — the Web. For Crossroads Church in Grass Valley, CA, their church lacked the kind of online presence that leadership felt was necessary for connecting with their congregation and reaching out to their local community.

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Church leaders embrace the new era of worship through drama

When it comes to Christian-themed drama, the church has moved a long way from 1970s flannelgraphs and campy skits with cardboard scenery, or have we?

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Younger congregants seek a culturally relevant way to worship

For eight years we attended a small, especially friendly Methodist church. A year and a half ago, we left to find a church where our oldest daughter would no longer be the only child in her grade attending Sunday School, and where we didn’t feel like the youngest people in the pews.

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It’s no small production when Jim Caviezel comes to church

It was no small undertaking in bringing Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel to the campus of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship earlier this year, but the effort for the church was worth it. More churches are reaching their communities through special events, performances, and services focused to unbelievers who wouldn’t otherwise step foot in a church.

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Web sites reveal the mission and culture of a church

When most churches think of a building project, often images of bulldozers, fundraising consultants, bricks and mortar come to mind but rarely a Web site. Although, countless studies have shown that the Web site is the first stop for many people looking to discover more about the church and determine if it might be a place where they could belong.

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An ancient liturgical practice takes a contemporary turn

Bob Johnston does not shy away from change. He accepted a calling to the Episcopal Priesthood that had been persistent, and left a position with the largest patent law firm in Dallas, uprooted his wife from a medical practice and, ultimately moved his family to London where he would do his final training before ordination.

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The game of the name change is to align word and deed

I’m not telling your church that it should change its name. If anything, I’m telling you not to. But if you should consider changing the name of your church, you should do so slowly, carefully and with much thought and prayer.

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