Insurance Archives - Page 12 of 12 - Church Executive

The most expensive form of labor — volunteer labor

Not infrequently, pastors and their parish / congregational administrators, board and / or committee members are inclined to avail themselves of “donated” labor in the form of volunteers who purport to have the appropriate experience, expertise and equipment required to perform some necessary project work on or within parish buildings.

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Want to move “beyond insurance”?

You probably noticed that this new series of articles has been retitled to Never Again: Beyond Insurance. But, how does a church organization get “beyond insurance” — and should it even try?

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Safety Strategies: Safeguard your church — and your people

The word “church” typically conjures up an image of a safe, nurturing environment where people go to share and celebrate their faith. But, the reality can be a bit more complicated.

Too often, churches become an irresistible target for criminals because their open-door policies and limited staffing levels can make it easy to pilfer expensive sound systems, audiovisual equipment and artwork.

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What happens after you submit a church insurance claim?

Accidents happen. Catastrophes are unpredictable. There are many situations a church might encounter that will require submitting an insurance claim.

To a church, the claims process can be overwhelming, as you might have little understanding of what happens behind
the scenes.

To offer insight and make the process easier for you and your insurance company, learn about who you’ll be working with, how you can be prepared after submitting a claim, and the settlement timeline.

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The most common church claims — and how to protect against them

insurance essentials, church insurance

If your church is like many others, it probably has a limited budget. Plus, the staff is likely busy with ministry activities, and it is difficult to take on additional responsibilities. This can be an issue when it comes to risk management — improving safety for congregants and enhancing your facility’s security.

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Think you don’t need disability insurance? Think again

States require us to purchase auto insurance. Banks make certain we have mortgage insurance. Parents with children buy life insurance to protect their families in case of an unexpected death.

Yet, despite the fact that research shows we are much more likely to become disabled for more than three months than die in any given year, many of us do not have disability insurance.

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Insurance essentials: learn the language

You have just met with your insurance agent to decide what type and amount of insurance coverage will best meet your church’s needs. But, before you make a decision, it’s important to read and understand the terms and conditions of the policy being offered.

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