RISK MANAGEMENT Archives - Page 33 of 34 - Church Executive

Prevent a crisis with a leadership transition plan

Strokes, car accidents, heart attacks, affairs and murder are just some of the circumstances causing leaders to vacate pulpits and other critical ministry positions prematurely. However, few religious institutions have prepared adequately to survive the thorny transitions that follow.

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Biometric recognition systems may be just what God had in mind

Most people attend church events and services to identify with God, not with their fingerprint. But as new technology progresses and the pace of the world quickens, many “pen and paper” check-in methods have become obsolete, tossed aside as cumbersome and inefficient. In fact, using old check-in systems could be costing you money and lowering the safety of those participating in your church programs.

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Top four tips for starting a disaster shelter at your church

Floods and other disasters create a host of needs, foremost among them food and shelter. Moved by compassion, congregations may decide to shelter people affected by a crisis, with little forethought or planning.

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When civil disobedience becomes a church distraction

Angry citizens — more than 120 of them —protest outside a church. Several police officers stand ready to control the crowd. Using bullhorns, the protesters hurl insults —some of them profane. They shove signs in parishioners’ faces. One protester shoots pepper spray into the face of an opposing protester.

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Make sure your church isn’t spreading disease among its kids

It’s unlikely that you could ever eradicate all germs from a church nursery, preschool or daycare center. However, there are several proven steps that can be taken to limit the spread of colds, infections and childhood illnesses. Hand washing is chief among them both for those who work in the nursery and the children in their care.

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Be a good sport about safe recreation

Church is no longer just a place to gather and worship. It seems an increasing number of churches are finding new ways to involve young adults, teens and children in the church community. To accomplish this, some churches are sponsoring “extreme” sports activities by taking church groups to facilities that offer inline skating, BMX biking, skateboarding, rock climbing, paintball and more.

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Proactive steps protect board members against allegations

Think back to when you were first selected to be part of your church board. If your church is like most, the process probably was not very formal. I recall my first experience in becoming a church board member. I received a phone call from a member of the nominating committee asking about my interest. There was no written description for the position, just a verbal summary of the job.

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If tragedy strikes, travel insurance can safeguard mission teams

While visiting his missionary son in Portugal, Chuck Carpenter was involved in a tragic car accident. The collision killed a traveling companion and left him comatose in a Lisbon hospital ward.

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An accurate inventory is essential to emergency preparedness

If fire were to strike your sanctuary tomorrow, could you tell an insurance adjuster exactly which items were lost? Take this test:

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Churches can guard against the threat of cybersquatting

My son sees me on the computer regularly and continually asks, “Can I go on the computer too?” He’s already using the Internet on a limited basis at school, so it seemed like a logical next step for him to click, drag and drop at home.

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