RISK MANAGEMENT Archives - Page 5 of 33 - Church Executive

Abuse prevention policies and procedures

  What is the insurance carrier looking for? Abuse claims have become increasingly frequent and highly publicized. Expansion of statutes of limitations has resulted in insurance carriers defending claims from activity alleged to have happened decades ago. As a result, insurance carriers are asking for more documentation to allow the carrier to better defend against […]

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Understanding mandatory reporter requirements

  As a church leader, you would, of course, be horrified to learn that someone in your congregation is suspected of abusing or mistreating a child.  But are you required by law to report this abuse to the authorities?  At what point does clergy confidentiality prevent you or the pastors at your church from reporting […]

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Your sexual abuse prevention plan: Who’s going to take the lead?

  It’s a common scenario in houses of worship: Who’s in charge of the property committee? “Our elder, Joe, heads that up.” What about the finance committee? “Yes, Susan is our accountant and oversees the finances.” And the sexual abuse prevention plan? “Well, our children and student ministry leaders do the background checks, interviews and […]

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Responding to abuse takes expert help

It’s the call no ministry leader wants to get — that a church employee or volunteer has been accused of sexually abusing a child. Unfortunately, predators see churches as an easy target. That’s why it’s important to acknowledge and plan for the possibility that child sexual abuse could happen at your ministry. Your insurance company […]

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Every sexual abuse crisis impacts the Church

By Gregory Love & Kimberlee Norris Every year, it seems a particular organization or entity is embroiled in a sexual abuse crisis: the Catholic Church, USA Swimming, Penn State University, USA Gymnastics/Michigan State University, Hillsong Church, Ravi Zacharias Ministries, Boy Scouts of America… and the list goes on.   This year, headlines are swirling around […]

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FRAUD PREVENTION: Do you have the right internal controls in place to protect your church?

Church Executive: Are churches typically easy targets for fraud? Sarah Barham: Yes, because typically one person is responsible for completing all financial responsibilities from beginning to end. This means one person opens the mail to review invoices, sets up vendors in the accounting software, writes the checks, reconciles the bank accounts, and produces financial reports. […]

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Proactive Communication ‘From the Front’ By Gregory Love & Kimberlee Norris In many churches, the topic of child sexual abuse is raised from the pulpit only in the context of an impending crisis within the ministry. Many ministry leaders hope to never need to address the issue of child sexual abuse from the pulpit. The […]

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Why you need a WILL

  A will is an essential part of any estate plan. It is a key document for transferring your assets upon your death. It allows you to decide who inherits which assets and who will manage your estate as executor and/or trustee. According to Caring.com’s 2022 Wills and Estate Planning Study, 1 out of 3 […]

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How to protect your religious art and artifacts

Many houses of worship contain valuable art, artifacts and other treasures. While these items often are imbued with deep spiritual meaning, the untrained eye might not recognize them as assets requiring protection. That creates risk — not just from the threat of human wrongdoing, but from Mother Nature as well. Art and artifacts are always […]

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SBC Churches and Child Sexual Abuse

Reasons for Encouragement and Optimism By Gregory Love & Kimberlee Norris June 10, 2022 Many Baptist leaders and congregation members were discouraged after the release of the Guidepost Solutions Report on May 25th, investigating actions of the SBC Executive Committee related to sexual abuse. The Report focused on sexual abuse RESPONSE and PREVENTION — followed […]

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