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How illuminating!

Three lighting professionals offer plain-English, pastor-friendly tips for evaluating worship space lighting systems — from longevity, to price, to overall value.

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Using digital signage

As churches across the nation continue to embrace new technologie

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Good Steward: Worship Arts

More than ‘cool’ Gateway Church, Southlake, TX “I just need someone popular, cool or paid to operate the technical gear! I need new or cool tech gear! This will create or fix my worship atmosphere problem.” In visiting churches, many times I have heard these statements, says David Leuschner, executive director of technical arts at […]

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Reverb hurts a worshipful experience

Hard walls leave a church with a troublesome room for performance audio.

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The house is ‘rigged’

Churches require the same caliber of rigging equipment that theaters use.

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Setting the stage for impact

A good stage and lighting design helps create an engaging worship environment that people can’t resist.

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How to create an engaging worship space

It doesn’t have to be complicated, but if done right it can be extremely effective.

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Be intentional about effective lighting

The principles of good lighting can help draw people deeper into worship.

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Projectors illuminate the message

Engaging and inspiring today’s congregations is increasingly difficult in a world saturated with corporate and secular images. The solution for many churches is to make each service more creative and interactive — specifically, to use large-screen projection to support the message each week. Bright and colorful images large enough to be seen from every seat serve to capture and hold the congregation’s attention, allowing the essential messages to be easily delivered and understood.

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Impact the quality of ministry with speakers in the sanctuary

With today’s technology there are many solutions for achieving balanced sound coverage in a large worship center. The old days of hanging speakers in one cluster from the center of the room are gone. Today there are many options to choose from.

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