Church Executive, January 2013, Volume 12, Issue 1

CE Interview: Sam S. Rainer III, Senior Pastor, Stevens Street Baptist Church, Cookeville, TN
”I want to die here – old, leathered, scarred, and exhausted.” So says Sam Rainer III as he tries to articulate his deep love for the local church. Sure, the new senior pastor of Stevens Street Baptist Church grew up in a Christian home, yet his parents never pushed him into a ministry career. In fact, they did the opposite.
By Rez Gopez-Sindac

Church on your fingertips
A mobile app expands your reach and impact.
By Rez Gopez-Sindac

Social media commandments
Create new opportunities to engage people and build a community.
By Ben Stroup

Making year-end gifts
When is an end-of-year gift tax-deductible – and when it’s not?


Ron Keener

Speaking volumes
By Ronald E. Keener

Legal Advice
By David Middlebrook

Financial solutions
By Vonna Laue

Business management
By Mark Winterroth


Start a bus ministry?
It’s a great outreach tool, but it requires leadership, labor and funds.

Lessons of bus ministry
There are countless Christian workers and soul winners that bus ministries have produced.
By Jeffery J. Fugate


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