The CE Interview: Randy Frazee, Senior Pastor, Oak Hills Church, San Antonio, TX
By Ronald E. Keener
Randy Frazee is, in the kindest use of the word, obsessed about the “one story.” Marketed as The Story, the story, he says it puts key stories and select Scriptures of the Bible in chronological order to read like a novel with 31 chapters.
Congregations will do well to plan ahead for disasters
By Ronald E. Keener
There’s a real concern for donor fatigue as weather disasters come more often and stay longer.
Pastors’ wives under pressure in husbands’ ministries
By Ronald E. Keener
‘There is a steady decline in the wife’s faith, morals and love for the Lord, and much of it is due to the social media of texting.’
Downsizing comes to the church
By David Fletcher
The Chapel of Akron deals with cutting 15 percent of its staffing budget.
Prevent fraud by looking in all the right places
By Verne Hargrave
There is over-reliance by churches on an external audit in detecting fraud.
Financial accountability begins in the church office
By Dan Mikes
A strong organizational framework is created through transparency and detailed management structure.
Too few churches have security and emergency plans
By Larry Knight
Incident showed the church needed a response system to security threats.
Speaking truth to a darkening world
By Ronald E. Keener
Robert Jeffress uses the public media to address a broad audience, not just Christians.
Can the church learn to love the media?
By David Sanford
Evangelist Luis Palaus grieves that too many Christians characterize the media as ‘the enemy.’
Five tips for purchasing tables and chairs
By William Mahoney