Church security + the power of instant communication

In 2024, America has witnessed 172 mass shootings resulting in 256 deaths and 625 injuries. This alarming statistic highlights an urgent need for improved safety measures in public spaces, including places of worship.

A recent report from VOA News reveals that more than 17% of mass shootings are motivated by religious hate — nearly double the rate from 2000-2014. This underscores the growing importance of effective security in churches, traditionally seen as safe havens.

A crucial, yet often overlooked component of church security is communication.

Michael Wolff
Operations Manager
Black Diamond Radio

While people typically associate security with visible deterrents such as uniforms and weapons, the real strength of security systems often lies in communication tools, particularly two-way radios.

Two-way radios, or walkie-talkies, are essential tools for law enforcement and security personnel worldwide. These devices facilitate instant communication within a team, allowing for swift dissemination of information and coordinated responses. With the push of a button, all members of the communication network receive critical updates simultaneously, which is both fast and efficient.

In a church setting, two-way radios serve as a vital first line of defense. They allow security personnel to quickly alert each other about suspicious activities or individuals. This immediate communication can shift the dynamics from a potentially dangerous one-on-one confrontation to a collective, well-coordinated response, enhancing safety and potentially deterring ill-intentioned individuals.

Two-way radios are not only beneficial for handling active threats but also for managing other issues like theft, vandalism, and emergencies. For instance, if a medical emergency arises or if someone gets hurt, the staff can quickly coordinate a response, ensuring rapid assistance.

More than security

Beyond security, two-way radios offer numerous advantages for everyday church operations. They streamline coordination for various tasks such as sound checks, seating arrangements, parking lot management, and addressing minor issues like running out of supplies. For example, a radio can quickly relay messages like, “The pastor needs some paper clips,” or “The north restroom is out of paper towels,” facilitating smooth operations, not to mention allowing coordination with daycare and other parts of the team, such as, “Cindy just had a little accident. Can someone send her mother, please?”

Moreover, using two-way radios fosters a sense of community among the church staff, volunteers, and security teams. Instant communication enhances teamwork, builds trust, and strengthens the sense of interconnectedness, which can be reassuring for congregants.

A sea of choices

Unfortunately, just buying radios isn’t enough. The cheap radios you see at big box stores and places like Amazon are made for families to use on day trips and aren’t designed to withstand the rigor of regular usage in facilities. They also use FRS (family radio service) frequencies, which the entirety of the general public has access to, minimizing the level of security they offer and allowing the common user to easily listen in. (They’re also illegal to use over 2 watts).

Discretion: Radios should be visible enough to deter potential threats but discreet enough not to disrupt services. Earpieces help immensely by allowing only the user to hear the communication, maintaining professionalism and reducing noise.

Beyond security, two-way radios offer numerous advantages for everyday church operations. They streamline coordination for various tasks such as sound checks, seating arrangements, parking lot management, and addressing minor issues like running out of supplies.

Comfort and ease of use: Choose radios that are lightweight yet durable. Opt for comfortable earpieces, such as those with semi-custom skeletal molds, which allow users to remain aware of their surroundings and offer the level of comfort required for extended wear.

Durability: Invest in “business” radios rather than consumer models, as they are more robust and secure. Business radios are designed for heavy use and offer better privacy features because they do not use standard frequencies found on radios in retail stores.

Warranty and replacement: Look for radios with comprehensive warranties and replacement programs. Even the best equipment can get damaged, so having a solid warranty and support plan is essential. If you can access a warranty that covers accidental damage, you’ll save yourself a bundle over the long term.

Go digital: While analog radios allow you to separate groups by channels, a digital radio will add the most powerful emergency feature: the “all-call” channel. This channel will call every radio in the building regardless of their current channel, perfect for emergencies and announcements. Additionally, digital will offer better audio, longer battery life, enhanced privacy, and more range.

Two-way radios are a cornerstone of effective church security and operational efficiency. They enable real-time communication that enhances safety, facilitates quick emergency responses, and supports seamless day-to-day operations. Integrating these devices into your church’s security and management strategies will not only protect your congregation but also foster a stronger sense of community.

Michael Wolff is Operations Manager at Black Diamond Radio in Aurora, Colo. [ ] He has assisted churches across America with electronics and communication since 1985. Wolff has been a member of the Black Diamond Radio team for 25 years.


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