ECCU to invest in ministry at 56th annual NACBA conference

BREA, CA—Members and staff from Evangelical Christian Credit Union (ECCU) will bring their “investing in ministry” mindset to the 2012 National Association of Church Business Administration (NACBA) Annual Conference in Houston, Texas, this summer. Networking and educational workshops presented by peers and experts will provide ample opportunity to contribute and grow during the conference, which is being held July 10–14 this year.

ECCU will also host an invitation-only educational breakfast on Thursday, July 12, with Generis CEO Jim Sheppard and Chris Willard of Leadership Network talking about key points from their recently released book, ”Contagious Generosity: Creating a Culture of Giving in Your Church.”

The business administrators and ministry leaders who attend this breakfast will be eligible to win a new iPadÒ, as will conference attendees who register at ECCU’s booth in the conference exhibit hall. (For the complete official rules, visit

To learn more and to register for the NACBA conference, visit If you have questions about ECCU’s involvement in the conference, call 800.288.4846 or email


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