REDMOND, Wash. — As families return from summer vacation, there’s no better time than autumn to grow the church. Fortunately, mobilizing and streamlining those growth efforts — even on the go — just got easier with a one-year, free app giveaway from Redmond, WA-based eChurchGiving and Pushpay.
Between now and August 31, the first 1,000 churches to sign up will receive a free eChurch App. Complimentary use of the app continues until September 2016, at a value of $588.
Essentially, the eChurch App “centralizes everything — sermons, giving, events, small group info and communications,” explains Weston Belkot, U.S. Marketing Director. “[It is] our way of helping churches increase their mobile connection, relationships, and communication as they restart their fall ministries.”
Users of the Pushpay mobile giving solution will be happy to learn that the free eChurch App is fully integrated with Pushpay and designed to naturally grow users, thanks to a built-in adoption strategy. “There’s nothing worse than an app no one will use,” emphasizes Belkot.
For users who want to continue using the app after September 2016, it is available for $49 per month.
The eChurch App delivers several critical features for on-the-go church leaders who— though particularly busy at this time of year — don’t want to miss out on ministry growth opportunity that fall brings with it. Tools include:
- Push notifications that let church leaders connect with their audience throughout the week. Through the app, recipients are drawn to respond to the message and community.
- A digital bulletin visually communicates church happenings, eliminating the time and hassle of passing out paper newsletters.
- Event calendars give members 24/7 access to the church calendar.
- A prayer wall enables church members to support one another at any time, from anywhere.
- Video sermons / podcasts amplify the message by making sermons available to the church community whenever and wherever.
For Matthew Barnett, co-founder of the Dream Center and Senior Pastor at Angelus Temple in Los Angeles, working with eChurchGiving and Pushpay has driven weekly giving increases of 10 percent to 15 percent.
Sign up online to receive the free eChurch App. The deadline for participation is August 31, 2015.