NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Christian Newswire — In the aftermath of the Philippines’ Typhoon Haiyan — considered the strongest recorded storm ever to make landfall — the Knights of Columbus will donate more than $750,000 to assist in relief efforts.
The Knights of Columbus committed $250,000 in the immediate aftermath of the storm, and raised more than $500,000 in additional funds through Knights of Columbus Charities.
The Nov. 8 typhoon’s 195-mile-per-hour winds and 20-foot ocean surges killed more than 6,000 and displaced millions, reducing seaside villages to splintered piles of wood and tearing a gash across the center of the islands from the Pacific Ocean to the South China Sea.
The New Haven-based Knights of Columbus has strong ties to the Philippines, where it has had a presence since 1905 and today counts hundreds of thousands of members, including many who were victimized by the typhoon.
“Both at the height of the storm and in its aftermath, the Knights were there — first with their prayers, and also as rescuers and relief agents,” says Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “Locally and internationally, we remain committed to helping the people of the Philippines rebuild their lives.”
Almost $300,000 has already been distributed to typhoon victims, with the rest slated for distribution in the next several weeks. Among the many relief programs sponsored by the Knights, funds have gone to local Catholic bishops to assist in the charitable relief of their people, and to numerous K of C-sponsored emergency food distributions that provide food and nutrition for thousands of homeless residents in the devastated areas.
Those seeking to assist with the relief efforts can donate to the ongoing Knights’ Philippine Disaster Relief Fund by sending checks or money orders to:
Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc.
P.O. Box 1966
New Haven, CT 06509-1966
Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc., is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and 100 percent of all donations collected by Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc., will be used for disaster relief in the Philippines.
Founded in 1882 in New Haven, the Knights of Columbus is one of the most active charitable organizations in both the United States and the Philippines. In 2012, Knights worldwide donated more than $167.5 million and 70 million hours to charitable causes — including donating substantial amounts of money and time to disaster relief following Tropical Storm Sandy; the explosion in West, Texas; and the Oklahoma tornadoes.
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