Thousands of churches and religious organizations use CDs and DVDs as the primary means to distribute important content. It’s for good reason, too: CDs and DVDs are inexpensive to produce and user-friendly for even the least tech-savvy viewers and listeners — whether they’re at home, in the car or at the office.
By Jennifer Loegering
Thousands of churches and religious organizations use CDs and DVDs as the primary means to distribute important content. It’s for good reason, too: CDs and DVDs are inexpensive to produce and user-friendly for even the least tech-savvy viewers and listeners — whether they’re at home, in the car or at the office.
In a church setting, common uses for media duplication include:
- Music, choir and drama programs
- Sermons, lectures and presentations
- Photos and videos
- Educational and training material.
More within reach than ever
In the past CD, DVD and Blu-ray duplication and printing was a long, tedious process. Each disc required special attention to burn, print and apply sticky labels, one at a time.
Finally, you can automate this process.
CD and DVD publishers take the stress out of the duplication process, allowing you to start the job and continue going about your daily business while the machine does the work for you.
3 factors for informed equipment decisions
So, now that you know the basics and your church is ready to automate its CD / DVD / Blu-Ray duplication process, here are a few things to consider while narrowing down your options.

#1: Quantity
First and most important, you must know the quantity of discs you will need to be able to produce at one time. Tower duplicators are great for larger churches that need to duplicate multiple discs at one time.
Fully automated CD and DVD publishers — the Bravo SE and Bravo-4100-Series, for instance — hold 20 to 100 discs at a time. These tools not only duplicate the content, but also print onto the discs.
Because disc publishers come in various models and capacities, it is vital to understand your quantity needs in order to determine what type of machine will best fit your congregation.

#2: Speed
Need to be able to produce professional-quality discs in a short period of time? Consider the Bravo 4100-Series, a high-speed duplicator that prints each disc in just six seconds, with 100-percent coverage and near-perfect quality.
4100 Series machines are great for churches that want to be able to produce large quantities of discs that will be available right after a service, bible study, performance — even a wedding.
#3: Investment
Disc publishers are no longer just for big name recording studios; now, your church can own its own fully automated publisher — the Bravo SE — for less than $1,500. This piece of equipment lets your church produce professional, high-quality CDs and DVDs in-house.
Jennifer Loegering is marketing manager at Primera Technology, Inc., in Plymouth, MN.
We need large quantity replication capability and a supply of disks plus tape recording duplication and tapes.