budget Archives - Page 2 of 4 - Church Executive

Why one church sold its buses and decided to rent instead

When “Old Blue” broke down with students for the fourth time in a year, it was time to make a decision.

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Know the true meaning of stewardship

As a stewardship pastor I have often been asked why so few churches are investing in a comprehensive stewardship ministry.

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No retirement savings at age 55? Here’s what you can do

If you’re not confident about your financial situation at retirement age, you’re not alone. According to the latest research from the Employee Benefit Research Institute, retirement confidence is at an all-time low. Only 13 percent of workers reported a high confidence about their financial future.

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Church budget reality

Each year’s budget is different. Do you ever find yourself trying to explain or defend

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The CE Interview: Josh Whitehead

“Because Christ should be the head of the church, the church should be the model of organizational integrity for the business world,” believes Josh Whitehead, executive pastor at Faith Promise Church, a nondenominational church of 3,300 in attendance in Knoxville, TN.

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The difficulty of giving: Developing a system that funds the work

Ben Stroup works with LifeWay Christian Resources to assist churches with stewardship and giving, and he has given himself the title of Chief Broker of Opportunity. “I help churches bring into reality the ministry God has called them to accomplish by ensuring they have the ability to fully fund that vision,” he says.

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How one church recovered from the brink of financial disaster

When Crossroads Christian Church in Corona, CA, accumulated $500,000 in debt — in addition to falling behind on their mortgage payments — financial ruin and foreclosure seemed imminent.

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Lessons for church leaders from the recent economy

Remember when it was easy to manage church finances? Income approximated expenses. New programs were launched to meet people’s needs. Lives were changed; more people came, and expansion became necessary; capital campaigns followed, which met or exceeded expectations. Then the bottom fell out as the economy plunged into a recession unparalleled in our experience.

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Save expenses with Accountable Reimbursement Plans

How important to a church is having an Accountable Reimbursement Plan (ARP)? With an ARP, expense reimbursements and advances are not reported as wages and are exempt from withholding and employment taxes. Without an ARP, reimbursed expenses, even when legitimate, must be reported as wages and are subject to withholding and employment taxes.

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Avoid the foibles in preparing church financial statements

In recent years the issue of corporate financial accountability has become increasingly important, even for churches. As a result, more and more churches are providing annual financial reports to their congregations. Unfortunately, many of these reports are simply based on business financial reporting models and therefore may not convey the church’s finances as clearly as they could.

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