Church donations Archives - Church Executive

Is your church following the “3 ‘S’s” of online giving?

Is your church following the three “S”s of online giving?

More and more churches are realizing that online giving is more than a passing fancy. Even so, there’s a big difference between throwing a PayPal button onto a forgotten corner of your website and providing a functional, user-friendly giving experience — one that actually makes it easier to give.

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Dollar’s dollars: restricted gifts and abandoned projects

Televangelist Creflo Dollar recently came under fire for asking that 200,000 of his followers donate $300 each to buy a $60-million luxury jet for his use. In the wake of bad publicity associated with the request, it appears that he may have cancelled the campaign before reaching his goal. The problem is: What happens to money already collected?

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WEB-EXCLUSIVE: How to effectively launch online giving

We are a check-less, cashless society. Yet, in 2011, Lifeway Research discovered that only 14 percent of churches offered online giving. Recent studies are showing that that number is increasing. Hopefully, yours is one of those churches that has implemented online giving.

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Blessings beyond giving

Just as our churches’ mission is more than simply soliciting donations

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WEB-EXCLUSIVE ARTICLE: 4 trends impacting giving to the church

By Mark Brooks Giving to religion has been in a steady decline since 1968 — and the economy has little to do with it.   Most church leaders either ignore this decline, or object to the conclusion that the economy isn’t the reason. However, consistent studies have shown that even during times of economic prosperity, […]

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