generosity Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Church Executive

The altered landscape of giving has both good and bad news

People of faith are renowned for their charitable generosity. Amidst what economists are calling the “Great Recession,” giving to religion is the one subsector of charitable giving that grew in 2008. While charitable giving as a whole decreased from 2007 to 2008 by 2 percent (-5.7 percent when adjusted for inflation) and individual giving dropped 2.7 percent (-6.3 percent when adjusted for inflation) contributions to religion increased by 5.5 percent (+1.5 percent when adjusted for inflation).

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Dirt’s flying, but pledges are down. What can we do?

The pastor of “Hometown” Community Church noted in a casual way one Sunday that the pledges for the new worship center and classroom buildings were coming in only at a 50 percent rate.

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THE CHURCH’S NEW NORMAL: A time to take from the offering plate according to one’s need?

Cross Timbers Community Church decided to take some exciting steps to respond to this current economic season. A few weeks back, Senior Pastor Toby Slough told the church during our giving time that if anyone that day had a need — because being laid off or other financial challenges — that they were welcome to take out of the plate as it passed by rather than give that week.

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Ten ways to secure your largest donations ever

While capital campaigns will always generate larger gifts and pledges, here are 10 additional ideas to help you jump start some ways to get larger gifts on an ongoing basis to fulfill your church’s mission and vision for the future.

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