worship Archives - Church Executive

Why I’m a fan of small groups … now

I never want to be a church where everyone knows everyone. That means we have no new people showing up and are small enough to know everyone. I want us to be a place where everyone is known by someone.

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Use video to paint your sanctuary walls

Coppell, TX Baptist church uses environmental projection to tell visual stories during services.

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Projectors illuminate the message

Engaging and inspiring today’s congregations is increasingly difficult in a world saturated with corporate and secular images. The solution for many churches is to make each service more creative and interactive — specifically, to use large-screen projection to support the message each week. Bright and colorful images large enough to be seen from every seat serve to capture and hold the congregation’s attention, allowing the essential messages to be easily delivered and understood.

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Two schools of thought on paying musicians

In a recent ministry blog, a pastor wrote, “One thing that really bothers me is having to pay musicians to play in worship. My worship leader insists that since they are professional musicians we have to pay them.

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Are churches responsible for worship-related injuries?

Churches tend to recognize different expressions of faith in their religious worship services. Some traditions call for quiet reflection and meditative prayer, while others encourage demonstrative shouting, dancing, singing and other physical forms of worship.

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When the drums are too loud, put a lid on them

Many churches use drums as part of their worship bands to add excitement to the service and help increase teenage and young adult participation. Unfortunately, most houses of worship were not designed for these loud percussive instruments and the result is excessive volume levels and unintelligible vocals.

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