It’s just a season. I remember saying on many occasions, “Get ready, this is the start of our busy season.” It seems that our busy season starts in January and ends in December. Does it really ever end, or does it just keep going?
While technology has greatly increased the speed in which we do business, it really doesn’t do anything to help us slow down. That is, to slow down and take a deep breath. I’ve caught myself getting frustrated having to wait more than five minutes at a fast food restaurant. I even have gone as far to park and go in when the drive through line is too long. It’s no different at the grocery store trying to figure out what line will move the fastest. I seem to choose the line that ends up having a price check problem. Hurry up and wait.
A dear friend just told me that we all need a pause button. Kind of like your DVR, it gives you the freedom to pause or stop what you’re doing and resume it later. If it was really that easy, we would all be taking a turn at pushing the button.
So what are some action steps you can take to help your staff push that pause button when they need to?
- Every morning get in the huddle by departments, teams or the whole staff and allow each person to take one minute to tell the group what they’ve got going on that day.
- If you recognize that someone is overwhelmed, take action. Help them to prioritize what their working on. Delegate some of their responsibilities.
- Close with prayer as a group. Focus on the mission. Focus on specific needs.
- Create a safe zone. Keep an open door policy; allow your staff to talk with you if needed. Throughout any day, give your staff a place to go and take a break.
God has a great way of throwing us little reminders to slow down and pay attention to what is important. We have opportunities to make choices throughout each day. What’s really important is that we take time to experience what is going on around us. Seasons will come and seasons will go, so hurry up and take time to be slow.
Mike Klockenbrink is chief of staff at Lakeside Church, Folsom, CA.