Using Vision To Ignite Church Growth
The new year is the perfect time to set resolutions for your ministry and, for many, the one at the top of the list is church growth. We understand why.
Gallup reported that in 2020, 47% of Americans said they belonged to a church, which is down from 50% in 2018 and 70% in 1999. Beyond those statistics, growth may reach the top of your list because Jesus commissioned the Church to go and to grow.
We know there’s so much in store for the next twelve months—events to host, lives to change, budgets to balance, communities to reach, schedules to maintain, hope to spread, and so much more. With all the logistics of leading a church and the responsibility of all that’s to come in the new year, it can be all too tempting to fall into a routine of “just getting by” instead of focusing on growth and leaning into intentional strategies.
When the daily tasks in front of you pile up to the ceiling, it can be hard to remember your purpose in doing the deeper work that lies underneath, especially if you feel like you’re still recovering from the joyful exhaustion of the Christmas season.
What if this year could be different?
Instead of just getting by in 2023, you could lead confidently, grow your church, and create a meaningful impact in the kingdom. It all starts when you ask yourself: why am I doing what I’m doing?
Maybe your answer came immediately to mind. Or perhaps you needed a few minutes and a cup of coffee to express why you do what you do. If your response is like the latter, it’s most likely that you, like so many others, have been so consumed by the “what” that you lost sight of the “why” of ministry.
The “why” is the vision. It is the reasoning behind every single thing you do. The “why” was the catalyst that propelled you to choose ministry in the first place. The “why” is what matters.
(Re)discover your why
Before you can go and grow this year, you need a firm foundation: your why. Your vision, mission, and purpose as a church will propel you forward and inspire others to join you on your journey.
When you have a clear direction for your church and those who join your church community, you’ll be positioned to thrive in the new year.
Simon Sinek’s book Start with Why says every organization (which definitely includes churches!) needs to clarify the “why”…the real reason they exist. He says it’s more important to get clear about the “why” than clarifying the what.
The church’s mission, vision, and values are the guiding principles that act as a roadmap for the ministry’s future. With the solid foundation of your mission in place, you’ll be able to:
- Stay focused on the future and goals of the church
- Quickly and confidently make decisions that align with your roadmap
- Establish an identity and values that inspire others
- Unite and connect people with your overarching vision
When you have a clear picture of—and commitment to—the unique calling for your church, your ministry will thrive. You’ll see spiritual growth in your community, more people wanting to join in, and members ready to invest in that vision with their God-given time and resources.
Get The Roadmap to Growth for 2023
Coming into a new year, we at Pushpay would love to come alongside you on your journey of church growth. To make it simple, we created a FREE resource: Vision, Mission, & Purpose Roadmap. It’s an all-inclusive roadmap for churches exploring how to further define their mission and plot a path to reach their goals—all while leveraging technology to help them along the way.
Get your free copy of the Vision, Mission, & Purpose Roadmap today.
Here’s to clear direction and greater church growth in 2023!
Shanda Boyett is the Director of Corporate Marketing for Pushpay. For more information about how we’re working with churches to build community and inspire generosity, visit