Together We Make Ministry More Than Sunday

How Pushpay Helps Churches Engage Congregants Throughout The Week

As summer fades into fall and the proverbial “slump” is replaced with the hustle and bustle of the back-to-school season, the critical task of re-engaging your congregation takes center stage. Soon routines will be re-established, schedules will be filled with after-school activities, and your congregants will settle back into their pre-summer style.

But what if this fall was different? What if engagement didn’t have to start and end on Sunday? What if people could connect, give back, and grow their faith throughout the week?

From the start, church wasn’t meant to be an occasional event on Christians’ calendars—it was a way of life. In the early Church, members “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer” (Acts 2:42 NLT).

Drawing inspiration from the early Church and taking advantage of modern technology, this new season could be an opportunity to foster connection and engagement every day of the week.

Opportunities To Engage Congregants Every Day

The easiest way to increase engagement is to meet your congregants where they already are—their phones.

Your ministry has more to offer than you can fit in one or two events per week, and a church app is a natural extension of your ministry throughout the week. Congregants can dive into content, donate, register for events, or sign up for volunteer opportunities. And with strategic push notifications (which are read by 50-80% of app users), you can communicate all those opportunities in a way that’s efficient and engaging.

Along with signing up to volunteer and joining groups, users can also give online through your church app. When people are engaged and invested in your church’s mission, they naturally want to give and help fulfill that mission. With Pushpay, congregants can easily give whenever and wherever they choose, and recurring suggestions makes it easy for congregants to consistently engage via generosity. It’s a simple yet powerful way to show support and commitment to being part of a strong and connected community.

But your church app isn’t the only software you can use to engage your congregation. A ChMS simplifies the process of engaging your congregation with an organized and comprehensive view of each person’s discipleship journey. With this information, your team can better know and nurture congregants, tailoring messages and communication for each individual’s stage of discipleship and their unique needs. Whether it’s easy check-in, people management and search, automated processes, or reports, a people-focused ChMS offers an accurate view of your church’s health and provides ways for improved engagement.

In recent years, livestreaming has become a crucial element of church and community engagement. Whether you’re balancing the in-person and digital elements of a hybrid ministry, or moving toward fully online services, livestreaming invites people who can’t attend in person to still participate in worship, sermons, and special events in real time. Streaming ensures that everyone has the chance to engage, regardless of their location or circumstances.

The tools above are powerful—but there’s a way to take their influence a step further.

Each of those technologies generates data points; time spent on the app, trends in giving, attendance, and more. When you connect those dots, the insights you gather can revolutionize the way you do church.

Instead of guessing, or following the same processes a different church uses and hoping it works for you, Pushpay empowers you to consume data quickly, get ahead of trends, and address issues about your church’s health with dashboards. Those data-driven insights will help you better serve your flock while simplifying work for your staff as you continue to foster daily engagement and build a thriving church community.

These opportunities are just the beginning of what’s possible. At Pushpay, we’re passionate about empowering churches with cutting-edge tools that drive growth and transform lives.

The ebook From Sunday to Every Day: Unlocking the Full Potential of Church Engagement is packed with practical tips, insights, and inspiration to help you create a dynamic, engaging church community that makes a difference. Download your copy today!


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