By Mark Brooks
The message of the Church is eternal and never needs changing! Yet, how we do Church must continually change.
We’re living in the midst of a technological and communications revolution, and we must embrace it or be left behind. Here are some thoughts.
We live in the 21st century, which is driven by technology and information. It’s time we wake up and realize that it’s the 21st century and rethink — and revise — how we do everything. Technology and how we process information is changing everything about our society. The Church needs to stay abreast of the times.
Technology is theologically neutral. Long ago, someone might have argued that sound systems were of the devil; thankfully, we overcame that objection. Rather than fear technology, we need to embrace it.
Change is inevitable. Wise companies realize that they must continually reinvent themselves. The Church needs to overcome its fear of change or run the risk of being viewed as antiquated.
Even cultural changes can be met without compromising our theology or principles. Since change is inevitable, wise churches meet the changes with a positive message of hope and stability.
Change isn’t always evil or wrong. To be sure, some of society’s changes in morals can’t be accepted by the Church. However, changes in methodology and technology, again, are neutral and shouldn’t be dismissed as evil or wrong.
While change is inevitable, the Truth stands! The way we do ministry might change, but our ministry won’t. We’re doing what our forefathers did: communicating the Gospel message. The medium changes, but not the message. The old saying applies: Keep the main thing the main thing.
See change as an opportunity, not a threat. Smart churches take technological opportunities and seize them. Technology gives us wonderful opportunities to connect with the world. Every church should have a website. That website should be mobile-friendly so it can be read on smartphones and iPads.
Every church should use email for communications.
I believe every church should have an app that allows members to easily connect with the constituents.
Every church should have an online giving platform, as our society has moved away from cash and checks.
All these tools enhance our ability to connect with our world; they’re not threats. Is your church taking advantage of these opportunities?
I believe we have no choice but to become a Digital Church or be left behind. Just as the Apostle Paul used the Roman roads of his day to more easily spread the Gospel, today’s church must use the digital road that lies in front of us to reach our world for Christ. Jesus commanded us to “go unto all the world.” The world is digital, so we must become a Digital Church!
Mark Brooks is founder and president of The Charis Group and Charis Giving Solutions [].
The Church must embrace the technological revolution for one and only one reason. Many Christians are embracing these technologies at a speed that is unimaginable. Technologies are the second place after the home, where many people live now. Before, it was House and then Church. Now is House, Technology, Office before Church, for those who are serious with the faith. For some people technologies are their own churches. The Church, if it has to make sense in people’s life MUST go wherever these people are, so as to answer the questions that they are asking themselves. The church must embrace the technological revolution to pay utmost attention to what people are interest in, in order to to accompany them, warn them seriously about the dangers and pitfalls of these technologies, educate them on the proper use of these technologies, direct them or what to go for in these technologies and in the end help them to be able to find their own way to true happiness and fulfillment.
Interesting article