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How the 2010 Tax Relief Act affects churches

The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Re authorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, enacted in December

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Biometrics keep children safe and delivers peace of mind

Our society has evolved into a civilization that demands more and expects multi-functionality from the technology that surrounds us every day.

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Legacy Park uses sports to reach the next generation

Sherwood Baptist Church is located in the Southwest Georgia town of Albany, three hours south of Atlanta and one hour north of the Florida state line. One might recognize this church as the home of Sherwood Pictures, which has released the films Flywheel, Facing the Giants, Fireproof, and Courageous, which will be released this fall. But the ministries of Sherwood stretch further than just the movies. One of the ways it reaches its community is through the ministry of Legacy Park. Legacy Park was purchased in 2003 to be developed as an 82-acre sport park complex dedicated to reaching out to the people of Albany and surrounding areas.

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What would you like to do?

The reality is that some people just need to be trained

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The missing element

In order for a church to fulfill its true purpose, it must be making a noticeable

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Church merger survey

According to Leadership Network research, 2 percent of U.S. Protestant

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Free eBook on multisite churches from Jim Tomberlin

There are more than 3,000 multisite churches across North America. Everyone has a unique church-print. There is no “one size fits all” formula they all follow, but all will wrestle with the same basic issues. This eBook is a compilation of my 15 years of experience as a multisite pioneer and consultant. It addresses those common issues with hard-earned insights from being in the trenches with those who are doing it. It is for church leaders who are considering multisite and refresher for those who are already in the game.

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When churches merge

The merger of churches is gaining popularity for

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Video delivers message

At North Point Ministries we have built a video broadcast system that

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Does your church have a farm team?

On several occasions I’ve had the privilege of being part of a great team whether it was sports or at work. As much as I desired to have those times go on forever, the reality is that just doesn’t happen.

I see the same each year in baseball. When they need to pull someone up to the majors, they call on the farm team. The whole purpose of the farm team is to provide training and experience for players. At any given time any successful player could possibly move up. This isn’t only for sports, as some business schools are referred to as farm clubs for the business world.

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