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Meet Frank Santora

Much is made of the notion that the New England portion of the country is not

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When software can help smooth out crooked paths

In scripture, the concept of making things easier, safer and generally better is often captured with the image of making straight paths for your feet

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The ‘new old’ bring much to the church, but often aren’t noticed

Amy Hanson was 23 years old when she was offered a new job at megachurch Central Christian Church in Las Vegas — to head up the active adult (50-plus) ministries of that congregation. She served in the role for five years before moving to Nebraska to complete her doctorate in gerontology.

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Three values that build the magnetic force of a great church

There are some emerging patterns in churches with momentum, that are worth paying attention to. After more than seven years of working with church leadership teams, as well as doing focus groups with attendees, here are three values that seem to be responsible for much of the growth and magnetic force we see.

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Individual gifts help mine the true story of who we really are

We’ve all had the experience at least once in our lives where we’ve sat down with a good friend and found ourselves halfway through the conversation saying, “I never knew that about you.” As individuals, we are all blessed with unique compositions and stories. The way we see and experience the world varies greatly, but most of the time, when we run across acquaintances and even friends, we find ourselves only knowing the surface story — mom and school teacher; father and CEO; student and athlete. Rarely do we mine the true story of who they really are.

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Technology and discipleship

Ministry is about people, relationships, ideas and communication, not data

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Keeping it simple

Some of the best leaders I’ve ever worked with were the best because they kept it simple.

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Seminary of the future?

I arrived in Kentwood, a first-ring suburb of Grand Rapids, MI, in 1979 to be involved

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Church Executive, August 2010, Volume 9, Issue 8

Among the highlights of the August issue is an interview with Pete Wilson, Senior Pastor, Cross Point Church, in Nashville, TN. Also, there is a first person account of the tragic shooting of pastor Fred Winters at First Baptist Church in Maryville, IL.

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The tide has turned pointing to planting and multiplication

A whole industry has developed to support church planting, say authors Ed Stetzer and Warren Bird, not alone their own writing:

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