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Online giving spurs an upturn in a down economy

When Fellowship of the Parks Church in Keller, TX, provided online giving to their members

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Structured compensation

More than 1 million ordained ministers work throughout the United States.

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‘Dangling the carrot of subsidy’

The United States Supreme Court on June 28, 2010, decided the case of Christian Legal Society, Hastings College of the Law v. Martinez.

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Becoming a multicultural congregation

Church executives are responsible for launching new programs, making new hires and setting new budgets. This requires the stewardship of our personal time, energy, intellectual capital, and creative assets — and this extends to our personnel and congregations.

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Ministry has its leadership storms, but tailspins can be avoided

Daniel Henderson stepped into three megachurch settings as the new senior pastor at high-risk moments — two of them following moral failures of their previous pastors. “I guess you could say that on two occasions [of moral failures] I was left holding the ‘black box’ after a leadership crash,” he says in a new book that uses examples from flight training and piloting an airplane.

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Problems on ‘the surface’ can lead to major liability hazards

A speed bump that is not clearly marked; a dark area due to improper lighting; or a large pothole that has formed over time are all examples of potential dangers in church parking lots.

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Rollovers solve the dilemma of managing retirement accounts

Many former employees are ‘missing’ or ‘non-responsive’ to queries about their retirement accounts.

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Planning in an environment and economy of pervasive uncertainty

A part of any planning process is some form of environmental analysis to provide the data-driven foundation on which to craft a plan. This was much easier to do in times of relative stability when one could extend trend lines with some degree of confidence. Today we find ourselves in an environment of pervasive uncertainty as social values shift, the economy is in turmoil, and public policy processes are polarized.

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The legal duty to disclose information to a congregation

The congregation doesn’t have to know everything about church operations.

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When the cat’s away

You’ve heard it said; “When the cats away, the mice will play.” Will they? And if they do, is it a bad thing?

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