Blog - Page 259 of 289 - Church Executive

‘HIGH NOON’ at Church

Tullian Tchividijian is the grandson of evangelist Billy Graham. There, that’s out

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Silo mindset impedes

Silo thinking; we’ve all seen it in our churches and organizations. Usually a

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Spread the message

One need to look no further than the labels of our clothing, or the car we drive, for

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Mike Reed: Executive Pastor, Northwood Church, Keller, TX

It wasn’t an easy sell when Northwood Church first began its “glocal” ministry — as it came to be known — to Vietnam, recalls Mike Reed, executive pastor.

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Lender fatigue

Churches today face their most significant challenge in obtaining financing for

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Church productions come 
to life through sight and smell

Snow and apple pie scent help churches convey the wonders of any season through visual and

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The task is overwhelming but saving one girl is reward enough

When Mark Connolly – call him an “immovable object” – met Linda Smith – call her an “irresistible force” – a new and dynamic ministry emerged. Smith, an advocate in the battle against human trafficking, is a no-nonsense woman: “I’m interested in talking with anybody who’s serious about doing anything other than talking,” she says. She had already decided that speaking at churches didn’t deserve her time. “Often the American church took a lot of work.And if I went everywhere that everybody wanted me to speak, I couldn’t do the work.”

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Do you have a ‘tsunami’ leader at the head of your church?

You have a problem — it’s your senior leader. Not all of us face the problem, but many of us do. The reality of the problem may have taken you by surprise. Perhaps some wise friend forewarned you before you took the job. Either way, you know it now. You have a problem — it’s your boss. Every leader suffers from some degree of personal dysfunction. After all, every one of us struggles with sin. Yet an alarming reality strikes those of us in upper leadership: Many senior leaders bring some major dysfunction into the church’s leadership culture.

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Churches lose strength when women are excluded in leadership

Church staffs are typically dominated by men, aside from clerical staff, and author Shaunti Feldhahn, writing in The Male Factor (Multnomah, 2009), says that the church is cheated in the depth of its leadership because women are, for the most part, excluded. “The most important problem involves the impact on the mission of the church. Without at all intending it and with the best of intentions, many churches by lacking female perspective in leadership may be limiting the effectiveness or reach of the work God intends for them to do,” she says. Her book is based on extensive research and she brings years of corporate human development work to this book, and related previous ones.

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Energy conservation: Good for the soul and the budget

How energy efficiency practices and programs are generating revenue for churches.

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