Blog - Page 260 of 289 - Church Executive

Invest in your church’s security to prevent theft in the building

Once considered sacred even to criminals, churches are now prime targets for theft. In fact, it’s precisely the trusting nature of church organizations that can make them so vulnerable to crime.

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Two years ago, July 9, a hastily called meeting of board members of the Crystal Cathedral Ministries was held, and while Senior Pastor Robert Anthony Schuller was a bit mystified, he wasn’t alarmed. At the end of that meeting, where his siblings and father had majority votes, he would no longer be speaking from the pulpit. He had been effectively fired.

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Church Executive, July 2010, Volume 9, Issue 7

Among the highlights of the July issue is an interview with Mike Reed, executive pastor, Northwood Church, Keller, TX. Also included is an interview with Tullian Tchividijian, grandson of Billy Graham, about his time at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Fort Lauderdale, FL.

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Banks are lending: Why now is 
a good time to secure financing

The media is full of stories about how tight credit has been for the last year or so, and how banks are just not lending.

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Crosses Across America

“If we take up the cross handsomely, we shall find it just such a burden as

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Rick White on Church Plants

Jack Schaap on Membership

Leading by listening

One of the lost arts in leadership is the simple art of listening. It has been said that we have two ears but only one mouth so we can hear twice as much as we say. Unfortunately, I was one of those individuals that had this insatiable need to fill in the silence in many meeting with my own words and my own thoughts.

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Steps to generosity

With so many articles being written lately about declining receipts in church giving, I’ve taken some time to think about why I believe giving has been strong at Fairhaven Church.

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Lessons from my newspaper

Don’t make staying in church a chore. The church should have high expectations of members. Church leaders should hold people accountable.

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