Blog - Page 263 of 289 - Church Executive

Church bodies exposed

There’s the old saw that denominations exist today only because of real estate and pension plans. I heard that said 15 years ago and sure, it’s an overstatement, but it makes a relevant point.

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Meet Mel Lawrenz

Mel Lawrenz is leaving the active pastorate of a congregation and taking up the “pastorate” — creative director to be more precise — of a multi-dimensional media ministry called The Brook Network. “After 30 years of being a pastor at Elmbrook Church, the past 10 as senior pastor, I am enthused to be moving into a new role in which I will be seeking to help resource church leaders here in the U.S. and internationally with many of the things we have learned over the years.”

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Rick Warren: ‘What on earth is he here for?’

When author Jeffery L. Sheler finished the task of writing a biography of Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren, Sheler described it as an “honest, thorough, authoritative, and nuanced treatment of the life of one ordinary man who has been set in an extraordinary place and time with extraordinary gifts, and who is doing his best to complete the course he believes his God has set before him.”

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Leading website firm announces free service to church plants

SiteOrganic has announced that newly-planted churches can now receive its most popular website design

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Get a handle on the new retirement regulations

The Internal Revenue Service issued new rules and regulations affecting all 403(b) retirement plans in 2007. Most elements became effective January 1, 2009, with some delayed until January 1, 2010. You should be aware of three important issues about these new regulations as they relate to your church.

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No retirement savings at age 55? Here’s what you can do

If you’re not confident about your financial situation at retirement age, you’re not alone. According to the latest research from the Employee Benefit Research Institute, retirement confidence is at an all-time low. Only 13 percent of workers reported a high confidence about their financial future.

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Sports in church

Three quarters of a century ago the Christian community, wary of

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A campus renovation leads to spiritual transformation

Established in 1964, Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Atlanta, GA, consisted of 250 families that gathered to worship in the cafeteria of a local high school in what was once suburban Atlanta. Within a few years, property was purchased and a temporary worship facility was built.

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How to recruit talent

Effective and gifted employees are essential to a growing church or ministry. Their services impact ministries and their communities. By offering long-term incentives, churches will have better employee retention. Other than traditional benefits, there are additional programs that keep ministerial staff engaged over the years.

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When building expansion becomes stewardship

Adaptive reuse of existing buildings for churches is an environmentally responsible solution as well as being financially effective. If done well it can also be inspiring — bringing churchgoers together in an appropriate, comfortable and stimulating worship space.

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