Blog - Page 265 of 289 - Church Executive

Construction audits of billings and payments can save money

With church facilities under construction, you want to ensure that your money is wisely spent, while at the same time being viewed by your contractor as a cooperative business partner. Fulfilling your financial oversight responsibilities while fostering smooth working relations is a diplomatic endeavor.

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What church playgrounds can learn from amusement parks

Churches have something in common with the amusement industry: Both are relentless in the search for ways to attract people. Amusement parks do it to make money while the church does it to build its ministry and spread its teachings.

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‘The Church Doctor’ has some strong medicine for congregations

Kent Hunter leads Church Doctor Ministries from Corunna, IN, and has become known as The Church Doctor for his 35 years of consulting with churches and training consultants throughout the U.S.

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When 120 executive pastors and pastors met in February for David Fletcher’s 2010 XP-Seminar — more than half present there for the first time — the topic of the hour was the national economy and the hits that churches have taken in their budgets, building plans and outreach.

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CE Interview: Jim Pace

When Seung-Hui Cho began a killing spree on the campus of Virginia Tech, ending in 32 staff and students killed and others wounded, on April 16, 2007, Jim Pace was sitting in a coffee shop he frequents about a block off campus.

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Churches upgrade connection

After 14 years in IT work with a megachurch, Mike Gold decided to put his practical, hands-on experience to work for a leading corporate firm where he can work with dozens of megachurches.

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Twitter and the church

Although you have probably heard the word Twitter many times, chances are that it remains an abstract concept in your mind. So let’s begin by first describing what it is and then we’ll look at how churches like yours are embracing this tool as a means to connecting with their followers.

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Megachurch pastors are transformed in Israel

“I never realized how significant a trip to Israel could be” was the universal response of the pastors and wives sitting around a table at the Scots Hotel near the Sea of Galilee. These individuals were the second group of megachurch leaders to be hosted by the Israel Ministry of Tourism (IMOT) in a new initiative to encourage every megachurch pastor in the United States to have a personal Israel experience.

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First Christian country?

Unknown to most, Armenia is considered to be the first Christian country by historians. It is one of the few countries in the world that was evangelized by two of Jesus’ apostles.

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Signs of a struggling church

Surrender to frustration. Yield to apathy. Succumb to exasperation. The national trends are not good. They contain exclamations of unhealthiness, and it’s easy to become desensitized to the reality that the American church really is struggling. In the average congregation, it takes 85 people an entire year to reach one person for Christ.


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