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‘Stone ships’ and fear are among the church’s greatest hurdles to leadership

Churches deserve extraordinary leadership, and it isn’t about being a mega church or a celebrity church, says Nancy Ortberg, a partner in Teamworx2 [] and author of Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands: Lessons in Non-Linear Leadership (Tyndale, 2008).

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It’s no small production when Jim Caviezel comes to church

It was no small undertaking in bringing Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel to the campus of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship earlier this year, but the effort for the church was worth it. More churches are reaching their communities through special events, performances, and services focused to unbelievers who wouldn’t otherwise step foot in a church.

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Churches can remove barriers to accessibility with little cost

Since the early 1990s people with disabilities have been using the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to transform American society into a more accessible and usable environment in which they can live, play, learn and work. Unfortunately, one of the most important liberties of society, freedom of religion, in some cases still remains overlooked and therefore, inaccessible.

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A Boston church undergoes a makeover to revive its past

Many church executives and parishioners know that rehabilitating or renovating a church structure in today’s economy is a daunting task. But often, with most of today’s church structures reaching or exceeding the century mark, repairs are necessities, not only to preserve the building but also to ensure the safety of the congregation.

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When church aesthetics mean more than just a pretty space

Changes in our culture, technology, and even the global influences around us all, generate a deeper level of thought as ministry spaces are designed for today’s church-goers. The design team, architect and owner should push and pursue a higher relational and experiential aspect for spaces where ministry occurs.

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Leaders should keep track of what matters most: their congregations

Dr. Stephen A. Macchia, a contributing writer to Church Executive, is founder and president of Leadership Transformations Inc., Lexington, MA [] and is the author of five books on church assessment and leadership.

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Ron Keener

In commuting the 30 miles to and from the office I probably pass 30 congregations, each of them laboring in the vineyards in their individual ways. Most of them are small, landlocked churches and likely neither purpose-driven nor prevailing.

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Getting your head straight keeps you from domineering and bullying others

Ministry can be wearing and draining for the best of us. It’s people-intensive and problem-pervasive. How many pastors are ready to quit every Monday morning? Virginia Todd Holeman and Stephen L. Martyn call it “losing your soul for ministry” in their new book Inside the Leader’s Head: Unraveling Personal Obstacles to Ministry (Abingdon, 2008).

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Church legal challenge: Civil disobedience or violation of law?

The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), an advocacy and action alliance group in Scottsdale, AZ, which has the stated purpose of defending religious freedom, sponsored a project to challenge the 54-year-old ban on churches being allowed to participate in political activities.

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The end is near: How to decide on your church’s fiscal year-end

A while ago I was reviewing the financial statements of a Christian ministry shortly before the end of the year and noticed that the expenditures for the year exceeded income by a significant amount.

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