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Church operations on a shoestring budget

When we were starting Antioch Community Church, Waco, TX, in 1999, we were definitely operating on a shoestring budget. It was going to be a walk of faith. Before we even had our first public service, our church believed that God would provide $150,000 to buy a dilapidated grocery store that would become our home after some major renovations.

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Church ministry shouldn’t end at the property line

While traditional interaction occurs face-to-face, a growing percentage of church-goers connect through another medium — the Web. For Crossroads Church in Grass Valley, CA, their church lacked the kind of online presence that leadership felt was necessary for connecting with their congregation and reaching out to their local community.

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Bible translations abound but the Word remains the same

Tyndale House Publishing has up to 30 percent of its business in the production and distribution of Bibles, in addition to its fiction and nonfiction books. The NLT Study Bible is now available after some nine years in its writing and researching.

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The CE Interview: Adam Hamilton

As the teenage son of parents who were Roman Catholic and Church of Christ, Adam Hamilton is not the stereotype one would imagine of a megachurch pastor. Attending an Assembly of God church as a teen and graduating from Oral Roberts University did not enhance the image. After attending Perkins Seminary he was serving as a youth pastor in a United Methodist church.

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Bill Tucker, Concordia Lutheran Church, San Antonio, TX

It’s not that Bill Tucker leads Concordia Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX, like a football quarterback or a naval officer — and he’s been both — but he’s gained many leadership qualities that he finds transferable to pastoring a 6,000-member congregation, for the past eight years.

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Lessons on leading by the executive pastor during pastoral transition

Nothing jolts a church quite like the resignation of its senior pastor. Shock, disbelief, confusion and disappointment reverberate through the church.

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Now is a good time to strengthen your church’s financial foundation

The economy is affecting a lot of people right now. How is it affecting your church? The answer to this question runs the gamut, for all sorts of reasons. Some are cutting expenses, while others are building new facilities. Some congregations are growing and some are shrinking.

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Church leaders embrace the new era of worship through drama

When it comes to Christian-themed drama, the church has moved a long way from 1970s flannelgraphs and campy skits with cardboard scenery, or have we?

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An effective multi-site ministry calls for intentional analysis

Many large and growing congregations often think seriously about starting regional branches of their churches to spread the Christian message. The multi-site church trend has proven very rewarding for some churches, but not without each church backing up the fervor underlying it with a wise analysis and decision-making process.

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Younger congregants seek a culturally relevant way to worship

For eight years we attended a small, especially friendly Methodist church. A year and a half ago, we left to find a church where our oldest daughter would no longer be the only child in her grade attending Sunday School, and where we didn’t feel like the youngest people in the pews.

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