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If tragedy strikes, travel insurance can safeguard mission teams

While visiting his missionary son in Portugal, Chuck Carpenter was involved in a tragic car accident. The collision killed a traveling companion and left him comatose in a Lisbon hospital ward.

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Landscape for congregations calls for redesign and watering

The landscaping around my house is a long way from achieving yard of the month status. Some trees and plants need to be removed or pruned and new ones should be planted. My yard also requires a lot more water than a rain-starved region will allow.

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Mark Driscoll, Senior Pastor, Mars Hill Church, Seattle, WA

Seattle is among the least churched cities in America.

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Bible Center Church in Charleston, WV

The design of a Charleston worship center is influenced by the mountains and lodges of the region.

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A solid foundation provides endless fellowship opportunities

The level of activity in the unofficially-opened gym/recreation/worship center at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship Church in Carrollton, TX moves steadily during the summer months. In the fall the pace is expected to pick up dramatically when programming increases and the new gym’s full potential is realized.

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Six keys for leaders to make changes without waves

During the host of seminars, webinars and workshops we’ve had the privilege of doing over the last year, conference attendees and readers have surfaced a number of issues that we are giving serious attention to for other writing and seminar directions. Some issues include:

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Musical couple holds life loosely, while shaping the heart of worship

Scott Dyer was doing well on the worship and music team at Willow Creek Community Church where he had been employed for the past 17 years. It was year 2000 and he and his wife Vonda were happy there: “We were both flourishing in our ministry at Willow and really loved what we were doing.”

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Key steps for a comprehensive transportation plan of action

Excitement and joy abound as the group leaves the church parking lot. It should be a rewarding, uplifting week.

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Credit card use in churches can be good, bad or just plain ugly

Transactions are handled so differently now than in the past. Society has moved from coins to paper money, checks, and now electronic forms of payment such as credit cards or electronic funds transfers.

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An ancient liturgical practice takes a contemporary turn

Bob Johnston does not shy away from change. He accepted a calling to the Episcopal Priesthood that had been persistent, and left a position with the largest patent law firm in Dallas, uprooted his wife from a medical practice and, ultimately moved his family to London where he would do his final training before ordination.

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