Blog - Page 280 of 286 - Church Executive

Jim Poit, Executive Pastor, Crystal Cathedral, Garden Grove, CA

When a pastor takes a new assignment with a church it is as much an adjustment for the family as it is for the candidate. So it was for the family of Jim Poit when he accepted Robert A. Schuller’s invitation to become executive pastor at the Crystal Cathedral when Robert became senior pastor, succeeding founding pastor Dr. Robert H. Schuller, two years ago.

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Seven ways to integrate worship into the congregation’s life and ministry

The last 30 years have brought unprecedented expansion of the kinds of people who plan and lead worship. For centuries worship services in most traditions were led exclusively by ordained priests or pastors, along with a lead cantor or musician.

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Can civil disobedience restore free political speech for churches?

In the recent election cycle there have been several situations where churches or church leaders have become involved in political activity that has led to calls for revocation of the churches’ tax exempt status.

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Could your church use a new car or vacation home?

Imagine that if on a typical Sunday your offering plate was loaded down with gifts of cars, boats, RVs, timeshares, jewelry, gold coins and stamp donations.

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Churches can get more for less with metal construction systems

Two churches that opted for facilities designed and constructed with metal building systems believe that they met and exceeded wise stewardship by the choices they made.

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What does the data say about SBC church closings?

Clay Price has been looking at church data for most of his career — in the past 15 years as researcher for the Baptist General Convention of Texas, and previously for the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.

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Turn trash into treasure to become better stewards

In their continuing efforts to be better stewards of the environment and the resources of their church, the leadership at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX instituted a specific recycling program in 2007.

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Light savers: Production lighting is integral to impactful services

Today’s churches include innovative services and events that showcase advanced multimedia technology.

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Ron Keener

Two years ago on this page (May 2006) I tried to find the truth of what I then called an urban legend in church land, namely that each year some 3,500 churches, on average, close their doors permanently.

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The IRS report is back: Are you paid too much?

As has been widely reported in media sources, in 2004 the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) through its Exempt Organizations Office, undertook a fairly broad investigation of the nonprofit world and its compensation practices.

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