Blog - Page 283 of 287 - Church Executive

When personal loyalties and ministry responsibilities collide

By law board members are supposed to put the best interest of the church above all personal considerations — but how is that even possible?

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Unseen green: Software as stewardship?

In recent years, the environmental stewardship of churches has become an important topic, as it should be.

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Jack Taylor, Director of Operations, Sycamore Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, OH

Jack Taylor knows how to write a message for a roadside billboard.

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Visioning process leads to a truly unique church

Will Mancini in his new book, Church Unique: How Missional Leaders Cast Vision, Capture Culture, and Create Movement (JosseyBass/Leadership Network, 2008) says visioning sometimes can be scary.

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No more whining, handwringing over evangelism — just do it now

Martha Grace Reese doesn’t mince words when it comes to the E-word — evangelism. Her study of American evangelism within seven mainline churches, and the subsequent books, leaves her with strong convictions:

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Giving trends point toward consumer oriented members

“Overseas missions are often used as a reason to give to the church. However, most churches and denominations have patterns in place that keep missions a small percent of actual total spending,” says Sylvia Ronsvalle.

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Church violence is a matter of not if, but when, after New Life incident

On the Sunday morning of December 9 last year a man walked into an office of Youth With a Mission in Arvada, CO and opened fire, killing two staff members and wounding two others.

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Achieve peak performance with a leadership culture of shared purpose

Brentwood Baptist Church sits in the heart of the Nashville, TN suburb of Brentwood, where 20,000 new residents have moved in recent years.

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A.R. Bernard, Senior Pastor, Christian Cultural Center, Brooklyn, NY

“In Bell Case, Black New Yorkers See Nuances That Temper Rage,” said the April 27 headline in The New York Times, two days after the judge’s verdict that acquitted three detectives charged in the shooting of Sean Bell on Nov. 25, 2006.

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Space mission: Create more room with adaptable partitions

Because churches are often open to their communities, most usually have at least two large open rooms.

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