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  New federal law — a new pathway for restoration By Gregory Love & Kimberlee Norris, Guest Editors Countless churches, ministries and nonprofits are committed to the mission of rescuing men, women and children from the sex trade — particularly those being trafficked. After surmounting the extraordinary challenge of rescuing a victim from enslavement in […]

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Managing your money as a couple By Alex Kim When Jessica and Zach first got engaged, they opened a joint bank account to save for their wedding. They each agreed to put in a certain amount from their paychecks each week, and they easily settled on a budget that included the wedding dress, how many […]

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Love + fortify + support

  Westside Family Church is committed to serving local families with world-class, comprehensive emotional + spiritual care By RaeAnn Slaybaugh All photos by Brian Canaday By any measure, Westside Family Church in Lenexa, Kan., is a healthy, growing and vibrant church-family. In 2021, Westside’s leaders began to pray about their next season of impact. In […]

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Designed for Community

By Denise Craig, CAE CCA  We weren’t designed to live life alone. That includes ministry leadership. Even way back in Genesis 2, God said it wasn’t good for man to be alone. As leaders, we can encourage everyone in our churches to join a small group, but do we think the best practices of belonging […]

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Questions To Ask When Choosing A Church App or Giving Provider

When was the last time you evaluated your church’s app or giving provider? Digital tools play an important role in fulfilling the mission of the church, and having the right tools can make the difference between draining your resources and growing your impact. Here are the top questions to ask when considering a new technology […]

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Together We Engage

Strategies to Beat the Summer Slump Easter has passed, and the next big focus on the calendar is the summer. It’s natural for many people to start thinking about planning vacations or spending more time outdoors. But for churches with members taking off for travel and relaxation, the summer often ushers in a “summer slump”—a […]

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Are You a Transformational Pastor?

By Stanley Paul Mongin, PhD A transformational pastor is supposed to influence, motivate, stimulate, and consider all their congregants individually. These pastoral leadership components are derived from the theory of transformational leadership, which was developed by Bernard A. Bass & Bruce J. Avolio in their book, Improving Organizational Effectiveness Through Transformational Leadership in 1994.  Bass […]

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AI & the Church: entering the next Industrial Revolution

By Steele Billings In 1712, an English inventor named Thomas Newcomen invented the first practical steam engine. It was a simple machine, but it sparked a revolution. Over the next century, innovators like James Watt and Richard Trevithick would refine and improve Newcomen’s design, transforming the steam engine into a technology that would power the […]

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Protecting Parishioners from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

By Eric Spacek Carbon monoxide (CO) is often referred to as the “silent killer.” This colorless, odorless gas is released in the exhaust from fossil fuel burning engines in cars, trucks and other machinery. But, it can also be released from poorly working furnaces or equipment inside your building, which can lead to CO poisoning […]

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3 Ways to Use Easter Engagement to Grow Your Church

As Easter quickly approaches, churches everywhere are gearing up to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and welcome individuals and families into their congregations. However, beyond the traditional Easter services, there lies a wealth of opportunities for churches to extend their reach, connect with new audiences, and foster meaningful relationships within their communities. Let’s explore three […]

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