LEGAL Archives - Page 2 of 28 - Church Executive

25 years, 30,000+ churches, 4 million trained — and the work continues

  For more than 30 years, the husband-and-wife legal team of Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris have labored to protect children from sexual abuse. Partners in the law firm of Love & Norris, Gregory and Kimberlee co-founded MinistrySafe to provide a broad spectrum of resources to equip ministries in the prevention of child sexual abuse. […]

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In case of emergency:

What to do before disaster strikes By John Murphy Hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, extreme heat, drowning, cyber-attacks and financial crises are a few words that strike fear in our hearts because we care about life, and we care about each other. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves.  We know disasters will […]

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The best jobs for retired clergy

By Rev. Earl Thorpe, Ph.D. We often consider retirement the end of a person’s vocational journey. But if, as Shakespeare wrote, “all the world is a stage,” retirement might just be the end of the first act in a clergyperson’s calling and the beginning of the second act in their life of service.  While many […]

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Moving from compliance to commitment

Church Executive  talks with a journeyed risk management thought leader for religious organizations Church Executive: Last year, Gallagher created an initiative called Transforming the Trend. What is it, and what was the burden to pursue it? How did Gallagher decide who to bring to the table? Peter A. Persuitti: Within Gallagher, three different verticals are […]

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Helping you protect those who matter most

In the last few years, verdicts and settlements from sexual abuse have increased, reviver statutes have opened up the opportunity for claims related to decades-old alleged activity, and abuse issues are making headlines on a regular basis.  While insurance carriers can’t do much to reduce claims from historical activity, some are making a concerted effort […]

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Prepare, prevent, respond

Steps to take before — and, God forbid, after — an allegation is made Insurance carriers — by instituting requirements and guidelines for acquiring coverage — have done a great job of bringing about change and moving church clients toward having a child protection policy in place.  Indeed, with respect to our own church clients, […]

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Examining their potential impact on sexual abuse prevention By Gregory Love & Kimberlee Norris Many aspects of child sexual abuse risk are known and settled, including safety system elements necessary to prevent abuse. A significant challenge remains: inspiring the local church and child-serving ministries to understand and apply current standards of care in child-serving contexts. […]

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Fortify your faith:

Mitigating cybersecurity threats in churches By Leonard Kelley Recognizing the new reality In our increasingly digitized world, where connections, communication and convenience have been enhanced like never before, a less desirable phenomenon has also been born and amplified — cybercrime.  While technological advancements have opened doors to countless opportunities, they have simultaneously given rise to […]

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The downsides of borrowing from your 403(b)

By Colin Nass, CFP®, AEP®, RICP® You have been saving for retirement and your account has been growing steadily. Maybe your employer provides an annual matching contribution that has been a great incentive to build up your 403(b) or 401(k) retirement account — and with favorable interest rates and investments, it has turned into a […]

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3 churches, 1 challenge

  Third-party ministry accounting, payroll services can be a Godsend for church leaders who are overwhelmed, uncertain — or both By RaeAnn Slaybaugh  Change is hard — but does it need to be?  Surprisingly, if we’re talking about outsourcing your church’s financial systems and processes, the answer is no.  At least, that’s what these three […]

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