Search Results for "sex offender"

Caring Well AND Prevention

Sexual abuse: training ministry staff to care well AND prevent At the beginning of each new year, many of us make New Year’s Resolutions: evaluating our past year or present circumstances and resolving to improve on a particular matter (i.e., more time with the kids, less coffee, more exercise). For the Southern Baptist Convention, the […]

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Keeping the wolf out of the sheep’s pen

When the time came to interview Kimberlee Norris and Gregory Love — attorneys, sexual abuse litigators and founders of

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From dream to nightmare

The youth minister’s CV and application, background screening, interviews and reference checks were all stellar.

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Take a few simple steps to improve your church’s security

Church pastors want their congregation members to come to their church and have that sense of peace, to be able to pray to the Lord without distraction, and to be able to escape the world that seems so overwhelming at times. It’s therefore ironic when the same pastors state they do not believe in implementing security into their churches because they want the church to remain open and inviting. The reason it is ironic is because the very definition of security is to be “free from fear and anxiety” and isn’t that the environment pastors want in their churches? The misconception is that security is all about guns, guards, cameras and metal detectors, but that really isn’t what security is all about. In fact a properly designed security program is like an iceberg, people should only see about 10 percent of what you really have in place; the other 90 percent is in place in case it is needed.

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