Exploring Military Chaplaincy

CHAPLAIN PROFILE: “God is in all of it”
When he answered the call to Army Reserve chaplaincy, he was five times disqualified. Now, he’s a gold badge recruiter.

CHAPLAIN PROFILE: Military ministry offers a new road to growth
After extensive work in South America, he returned to the U.S. and found a new way to minister.

CHAPLAIN PROFILE: Chaplaincy becomes a perfect fit -- the second time around
Six years after traditional ministry, an idea previously contemplated turns in to a new -- and exciting -- opportunity to minister.

CHAPLAIN PROFILE: An unconventional path to Army chaplaincy
For this chaplain, the road to active-duty chaplaincy was, as she calls it, “a bit circuitous.”

CHAPLAIN PROFILE: A tale of two Army chaplains
A 24-year active-duty chaplain + a Reserve-duty chaplain called to active duty. Different paths, but both are right where they need (and want) to be.