We are all recruiters

By Mike Klockenbrink

In any non-profit industry, you rely a lot on volunteers to help. So where do all of these volunteers come from, and how do you keep them?

Many of them have passion for the mission you have expressed and are willing to step up and volunteer. That makes it easy, but this is not always reality.

Let’s look at a few ways to increase your volunteer pool. First, let everyone on your current team know they are recruiters all the time. You should always be looking for people to add to the team. Luke 10:2 states “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Make sure you have clearly defined the role you want this person to fill. Don’t sell this short. Too many times we tell someone it’s not hard to do, or that it doesn’t require a lot of your time or anyone could do it. People want to be challenged. I don’t want to do something that anyone can do; I want to make a difference. Try to build flexibility into each opportunity that will work with individual’s schedules.

1 Corinthians 12 tells us that everyone has different gifts and to use those gifts. Make a list of people you believe have the skill sets to fill this role. Ask your team to do the same. Once you have your list, go after them. Make the big ask and tell them why you believe they would be a great asset to the team and that you need them. Raise the bar of expectation for everyone. When people are excited about the opportunity they’ve been given, they will tell others. It’s contagious.

Galatians 6:9 tells us not to become weary and not to give up. Keep looking for workers all the time. Once you have them, take care of them, nurture them, encourage them and build a relationship with them. Let them know that one of their responsibilities is to recruit! We are all recruiters.

Mike Klockenbrink is chief of staff at Lakeside Church, Folsom, CA. www.lakesidechurch.com


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