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An overlooked strategy

Church leaders create strategies for growth, discipleship, worship experience, among many other things. What is often left out of these strategies, however, is a plan for communicating.

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Conflict of Interest?

One of the weaknesses in churches, according the Evangelical Council for Financial

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Most Recommended Leadership Books

Each year thousands of management and leadership books are published. And while each of them may provide valuable information, there are some that stand out and speak to you in ways that have immediate impact on your ministries. The editors of Church Executive magazine seek your opinion about recent books related to your work and mission. Let other church leaders know which recently published church leadership and management titles you have read that are thought-provoking and insightful. Which of these books would you recommend to your peers? You may vote for multiple books. At the conclusion of the voting process one person will be chosen at random to receive a copy of each book presented.

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Church Executive, November 2010, Volume 9, Issue 11

Among the highlights of the November issue in an interview with Palmer Chinchen, Lead Pastor of The Grove, Chandler, AZ. Also included are stories on avenger violence in the church and Hill Country Bible Church’s church planting initiatives.

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Right now is a great time for next year’s tax planning for pastors

Though current year tax planning often occurs at year-end, this is an even better time for “Next Year” tax planning.

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‘Revolutionary church planting:’ Read the Bible, do what it says

Hill Country Bible Church (HCBC) of Austin, TX is about making the name of Jesus famous, whatever it takes. In a culture of cleverly written strategies and tried and true models, they’ll try whatever works. In the words of John Herrington, the director of Church Planting in the Hill Country Association, “We started with great intentions of reaching the city; our strategy was to use a model, but a model reaches a certain type of people. So we asked the question, ‘How do we create churches that make sense to the people to whom we’re being sent?’”

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Downsizing or right-sizing?

Staff have idealistic expectations when the clergy are perceived

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Churches need to recognize the symptoms of avenger violence

“To an outsider, the actions of Mr. Watts during church might have appeared eccentric at worst, the ludicrous yet harmless actions of someone who wasn’t right in the head. But to those who knew the man, it was evident that Mr. Watts wasn’t a changed man. He still paced at night. He still glared at us with a smoldering disdain that, like hot lava, would inevitably surface. Somewhere, somehow, he’d strike again. It was just a matter of time,” writes Rebecca Nichols Alonzo, author of The Devil in Pew Number Seven.

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‘Oh, no, it’s performance review time!’ The dark side of managing

All managers do performance reviews, and all managers hate them. And so do the employees who receive them.

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Making the right first impression — with building design

Contemporary church architecture trends exemplify warm and inviting spaces.

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