TECHNOLOGY Archives - Church Executive

Ignite your ministry with a summer tune-up

4 Processes Your Church Should Re-evaluate This Summer By Olivia Massimiano For churches, summer is the perfect time to reflect on key processes within your operations and evaluate their effectiveness. This slightly slower time of year can help you get everything squared away before the back-to-school season ramps up in the fall. In between holidays […]

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Your summer doesn’t have to slump — 4 ways to prepare now

Summer is a busy season filled with travel plans, vacations, and shifting schedules. However, amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s important to remember that even when we’re on vacation, your mission isn’t on pause. Wherever life takes your community this summer, you’ll want to make sure that your church and the gospel message are only […]

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Together We Disciple

Tailoring Ministry To Resonate With Each Generation Every church leader has a deep desire to connect, resonate with, and grow their people. And while they might all belong to one church body, a factor that influences how each person will experience church and growth is their generation. Each one has its own unique characteristics, beliefs, […]

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Questions To Ask When Choosing A Church App or Giving Provider

When was the last time you evaluated your church’s app or giving provider? Digital tools play an important role in fulfilling the mission of the church, and having the right tools can make the difference between draining your resources and growing your impact. Here are the top questions to ask when considering a new technology […]

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Together We Engage

Strategies to Beat the Summer Slump Easter has passed, and the next big focus on the calendar is the summer. It’s natural for many people to start thinking about planning vacations or spending more time outdoors. But for churches with members taking off for travel and relaxation, the summer often ushers in a “summer slump”—a […]

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AI & the Church: entering the next Industrial Revolution

By Steele Billings In 1712, an English inventor named Thomas Newcomen invented the first practical steam engine. It was a simple machine, but it sparked a revolution. Over the next century, innovators like James Watt and Richard Trevithick would refine and improve Newcomen’s design, transforming the steam engine into a technology that would power the […]

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Together We Uncover Insights

Propelling The Church’s Mission with Data-Driven Decisions In our increasingly digital-first world, a single internet user can generate an astonishing 146,880 MB of data in just one day. As staggering amounts of information pour in from countless digital interactions, the question is not whether there’s enough data but rather how leaders can use it effectively. […]

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Together We Discover

The Pushpay 2024 State of Church Tech Report Paints a Clear Picture of the Latest Digital Trends Pushpay recently released its third annual State of Church Technology report. This benchmark study reaches thousands of church leaders across the country each year, inviting them to participate in a survey where they can share their priorities, concerns, […]

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Five Unique Challenges Facing Church Administrators in 2024

Good stewardship requires constant vigilance. The most effective church administrators know how to balance the finer details while also keeping an eye on the big picture. One of the major lessons learned by church leaders over the last few years is that things can change quickly and we have to be ready to pivot and […]

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SCAMS ARE ON THE RISE: How to stay safe

By Sharon McDowell Your cell phone dings. It’s a text message from an unknown number. The message is from a service company warning that your account has been hacked and urging you to call them right away. The landline rings. The person on the other side of the line tells you the electricity is going […]

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