church leaders Archives - Church Executive

5 essentials for church leadership

In my ministry in visiting, encouraging and partnering with literally hundreds of churches, there are five essential aspects of church leadership that I am committed to never forget. Here they are in a condensed form. To make it interesting, the most important is actually the last one on the list.

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What makes a leader a Christian leader?

As a big fan of Major League Baseball and Christianity, I like to keep my ears open to hearing of Christian ballplayers. It’s not that their statistics are going to be any different or that they run faster or slower. I watch them to see how they live.

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The difference between a “can do” church and a “can’t do” church

Every church also faces obstacles. What is the difference between churches that approach obstacles with a “can do” attitude over others that have a “can’t do” attitude? What makes a church have a lively optimism over a dead pessimism?

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3 shades of leadership grey

There are 2 types of people in the world — rule-breakers and rule-keepers. I admit that I am a rule-keeper. There, I said it. As such, you might think that I am a black-and-white type of guy. The reality is that I’m not all that much. Here are 3 reasons why.

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Prepare for the impossible

To prepare for the impossible may seem like an unlikely assignment.

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