budgeting Archives - Page 21 of 24 - Church Executive

Can your church REALLY afford a pastor? Maybe not in the traditional sense…

More and more churches are asking themselves if they can truly afford a pastor. As a result, discussions on clergy compensation, burdensome seminary debt, and alternative pastoral models are taking place in seminaries and denominational bodies across the country — and ultimately, this question (or a similar one) is at the core of those conversations.

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Behind the loan application: what is the bank or credit union really looking for?

Developing a strong and trusted relationship with your lender can provide your As your ministry looks to begin a relationship with a lender — or maybe improve an existing one — having insight into the mind of a lender will help you develop this vital partnership.

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Proactive & penny wise

We counsel our house-of-worship clients to be proactive by preparing for the repair and replacement expenses that are both inevitable and predictable. But, we also counsel them to be wise.

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12 diseases of a church facility

By Tim Cool A while back, Gary Nicholson, a church architect formerly with LifeWay in Nashville, wrote a blog about 9 diseases of church facilities. Since that post, our researchers have determined that there are additional diseases that many church facilities — and those involved in church facility care and development — may suffer from. […]

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Buying through a procurement services company: your ministry and monetary benefits, explained

With a sufficient base of customers, procurement services companies are able to leverage this collective volume and offer discounts and value to a variety of smaller clients — including, for example, church ministries, which might not buy quite as much on their own.

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Get real-world, in-person church management training June 20-30 in Nashville!

Church executives of all types know that the church is, in some ways, a business. Whether you’re a lead pastor, executive pastor, business administrator or denominational official, you attend to congregational business of facilities, finances, human resources, information technology, and a host of other issues on a daily basis. For example, take a quick test […]

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A (financial) foundation to grow on

With six campuses, more than 36,000 active members, and 1,050 full-and part-time staff, Gateway Church in Dallas / Fort Worth simply can’t function at maximum efficiency without a streamlined, accessible and accurate accounting “engine” — something they didn’t have…until now. When Lead Director of Business Administration Monty Carpenter joined the Gateway staff in 2011, incredible […]

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3 ways outreach projects can impact generosity at your church

Outreach campaigns must play a central role in EVERY church’s stewardship ministry. (Even the ones struggling to make ends meet each month.) Here’s why — and how.

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3 myths of the 501(c)(3): When misunderstandings lead to misguidance

At our Ultimate Church Structure Conferences, I speak with many pastors who, unfortunately, have been misinformed about what 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status truly means and the impact it will have on their churches. Pastors often attend our conference in the hopes of clearing up doubts and questions that they’ve been riddled with regarding tax law and church compliance. For that very reason, I have listed below three of the most common misconceptions that I hear from pastors across the country regarding churches and 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

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Take the first step toward savings

Using a procurement services company can cut your overall annual costs, leaving more funds for you to support your ministry. But, where do you start?

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